She didn't know what she was watching. But if she saw Bucky, she'd lose it. If he got himself captured trying to find her, she'd kill him with her own two hands.

She tried turning her head away, but the man only grabbed her chin and forced her to keep staring out the window. 

Some people walked past, carrying someone between them. 

Something about the man was familiar. Short, dark brown hair, the sharp jawline, the blue jacket. Something was familiar, but she couldn't label it.

He was clearly a solider. A captured soldier, much like her.

Her throat tightened. "That's can't be."

"If you weren't strapped down, I'm sure you'd be running to him."

"My James!" She screamed. "Bucky! No!"

"He can't hear you. We have these rooms soundproof for a reason." 

"What are you going to do to him?! Let me go to him! What's going to happen to him?!"

"The same thing that's going to happen to you. Don't worry, you'll be with him soon enough." 

The agents continued walking, pulling Bucky out of her sight. She screamed and cried, thrashing in her chair. She sobbed, desperately trying to break out of the chair. She was backhanded and immediately stopped struggling. She forced back her sobs, letting silent tears flow down her cheeks.

"You'll feel better soon." He walked over and began to attach something to the IV in her arm. 

She could only watch. Struggling was pointless. She hung her head in sorrow. 

"Please don't." She pleaded, one last desperate attempt to try and reason with him.

"You'll thank us later."

The liquid began to flow into the IV. Belle watched it, tears trickling down her cheeks.

She felt the liquid enter her body. It was cold, much colder than her blood. She gasped, hating it already.

Along with the chill that overcame her, she felt a surge of pain. She cried out, screaming in agony. 

There was no words to describe the pain. It was almost as if lightning was flowing through her veins. She twisted and screamed, thrashing in the chair. Her clothes began to get damp with sweat and tears, but she there wasn't anything she could do about it.

It seemed like hours later that the pain stopped. She slumped forward in her chair, well, as far as her restrains would allow her. Sweat caused her hair to stick to her face. She was trying to catch her breath. 

In through the nose, out through the mouth. In, and out. In and out.

Everything ached. Her body was weak. If she was told to stand, she didn't think she'd be able to. She'd fall to the floor if she was told to stand.

Time was undetectable as she stayed restrained in her chair. It was clearly long enough for her to rest. 

Her head hung forward as she listened to the door open. Footsteps approached her and someone tilted her head up. 

"How are you feeling?" One of the men asked.

"I'd like to be dead." Belle muttered.

"Unfortunately, we can't allow that to happen. Get up."

Her restraints were undone and she was grabbed and forced to her feet. She was unsteady on her legs and almost fell. Two of the men grabbed her arms, holding her upright. She gasped in pain. Their grip was anything but gentle.

N-701124 {b. barnes}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora