Chapter 20.

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— San Antonio, Texas. 1973 —


"We have to cremate her, she'd never forgive us for locking her in the dark under ground"

I smile at Ryder's words, everyone sat in my room, Rob included as we discuss funeral details with him for Amy. We still don't know how she died, why she died and who did it. Harry says he has no idea, but the look him and TJ shared says otherwise.

I haven't questioned them, I don't have the energy or strength to listen to them both blab out lies when they very clearly know something, I'm sure they'll say something soon.

It's been weird, only last night we found her and I haven't slept a wink. Me TJ and Ryder spent the night in her room, all three of us laid around her laughing, crying and singing as she laid peacefully between us all. It was weird not having her input on what we say, or have her tell TJ he's a terrible singer as usual.

I miss my crystal baby.

"Alright, I'll let the morgue know if the decision, anything else you'd like?" Rob asks writing down notes in his book, his eyes looking at me as I snap out of my daze, my eyes sore and swollen from tears and my hair a mess, Harry's clothes on my body from when he dressed me earlier.

"I want this to go in with her" I say handing him her small velvet drawstring back of crystals, Alfie smiling at me as he shows the one she gave him when Kai died, my smile small as I silently thank him for keeping it.

"Make sure they go by her feet when she's going in, she always wanted them by her feet when she slept" I smile as Rob nods, taking down notes as he takes the bag from me gently.

"Found these in her room on her dresser, there's three here — it's like she knew" Ryder sniffles a little, handing me and TJ a rose quartz Crystal each.

"Aura cleansing tonight, yeah?" I ask as they both laugh a little at my small joke, their hangs hanging down low as they sniffle rubbing their fingers off the Crystal.

Harry is beside me, his hand holding mine as he places small pecks to my head every now and then accompanied by three squeezes to my hand when he sees me tense up and get upset all over again.

"Okay, I'll bring her ashes back to you all in three necklaces, take care" Rob says squeezing my shoulder and nodding towards the two boys as he leaves quickly out the door.

"You need rest" Harry mumbles beside me.

"I'm fine" I smile a little at him, the bags under my eyes evident and the blood shot whites of my eyes giving away that I haven't slept or attempted to in hours now.

"I'm heading out to get some food to bring back, wanna join?" Ryder asks TJ but he declines.

"I'll join" I smile standing up, Ryder reaching out for my hand as Harry looks at me for reassurance that I'm able to go.

"I'll be okay" I whisper to him as he stands up and kisses my head before me and Ryder head out the door holding onto one another as if we'd disappear any second.


"They killed her, didn't they?"

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