Chapter 9.

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-Vacherie, Louisiana. 1973-


"For the last time Ryder, I do not have any kush!"

I shout out as I make my way across the room in the dark, the only thing lighting my way is the moonlight poring in from the gaps in my linen curtains. The knocking on my door is constant as I sigh rubbing my eyes lazily walking towards it.

I throw open the door and I'm immediately pushed aside with a shoulder shove as Niall barges into the room looking like he's seen a ghost. He heads for my bed, sitting down with his head in his hands as I look at him from the door confused holding it open.

"Niall? What's going on? Did you have another nightmare?" My feet are quiet along the ground as I make my way over to him. He flinches when I sit next to him which makes me create some space between us.

"I just needed to sit down with someone, feeling very off right now" he sobs into his hands as his fingers grip his brown hair in worry.

"Hey, slow down for me yeah? Take a breath and just relax" my voice is quiet as I try sooth him, his fingers loosening up in his hair as he sits up taking a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry, I hate crying" he chokes out as I let out a small laugh reaching over to run my hand up and down his back to calm him down.

"It's okay, we all need to cry sometimes. Do you want to talk about what's going on in that handsome head of yours?" He looks at me with tear filled eyes, dark circles under his eyes and his nose bright red from sniffling and crying so much.

"It's not the time to say yet, petal"

"And then Alfie walks in, she looks at me, I look at her and then bam! Naflie sandwich baby!"

Everyone laughs as Niall tells the story of his and Alfie's threesome for the fifth time since I joined them on the road. I look at him confused as he looks at me with a small smile, his own face confused as to why I'm confused.

I smile back as he smokes the cigarette hanging from his mouth. Harry squeezes my shoulder as he sits beside me laughing and joking with everyone else. I'm brought back into what's going on by his small squeeze. I look beside me to see him looking at me with a worried glance.

"Everything alright up there lovely girl?" He asks tapping my head as I slightly furrow my brows nodding, that's a new action and name.

"Yeah, I'm okay, guess I just smoked more than I could handle" I play it off as he laughs kissing my forehead hugging me closer into his side as we all sit in the dressing room back stage.

"Do you want to get out of here? Think I know a place you'll love" he smiles looking into my eyes as I look into his nodding.

It's very crowded in here and if I have to hear Ryder yell "deets! Say the deets!" Every time Niall or someone tells a sex story, he even said it to himself while he was talking about what he did in the juke box the other night.

"Come on, before they notice we're leaving" Harry says hushed rushing me up off the sofa as I hear shouts and whistles behind us. Harry waves at them and shuts the door leaving us out in the hallway alone.

"If you're okay with it, I'd like to drive you to my special place" he says as I laugh nodding my head linking my arm with his. He smiles at me at the contact as we walk down the hallway.

I smile watching him beside me walk confidently in his long golden fur waistcoat, his medium blue denims that are very flared, I must ask him where he bought them. My favourite parts of his outfit that he's wearing is the red green and blue multicoloured floral blouse, and of course his signature white platformed go go boots that I'm sure he could run a marathon in.

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