(Why aren't you) Grateful

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I love this train. It is amazing. It is loud and busy and smells amazing. It is the complete opposite of my house. There are always workers busting around try to make sure that everything is perfect. I've been having so much fun requesting random foods to my room, I almost forgot that there are other people on the train with me. Almost.

About once every half hour Adam comes in and yells to me complaining about how I'm hogging all the food. Around the fifth time he comes in and says "You know there are other people on this train that want food. Maybe if you left your cabin and socialized, you would know that."

So heave myself off the bed, turn off the TV, and make my way to the eating/living area of the train. I do all this still munching on a saucy piece of chicken.

Once I get into the living area I am met with a half awake Yolanda with too much concealer under her eyes, and a very pissed looking Eleanor.

The first thing pissed-Eleanor decides to do, is slap me. I like not-pissed-Eleanor, much better than pissed-Eleanor. "Why the hell did you slap me dumbass?"

"Why the hell did you volunteer, dumbass?" She responds without missing a beat.

"I volunteered to help you! You won't be able to get two feet ahead of you, if I don't help." I say. "All of our lives, we have used each other for support. I'm not going to just drop you like your hot, because you got picked for some stupid games."

"I won those stupid games, thank you very much." Adam butts in. "You're going to win them too, so treat them with respect."

"See that? That right there?" Eleanor says while pointing to Adam, "That is why you shouldn't have volunteered. Because you're going to win. I know it. Adam knows it. Gosh, the whole world probably knows it! And if you win, I die. And I actually like being alive. Sadly, it is a privilege that is about to be taken away from me."

Oh for Christ sake. How the fuck didn't I realize this before? There is only one winner of the Hunger Games. And Eleanor can't win if I don't die. And similar to Eleanor I actually like being alive.

And now I have something else to add to my growing list of problems.

Risking it for HerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz