(Apparently I'm not) Hot (Enough)

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Special thanks to @blah_world for helping me come up with some of the names in this chapter. Make sure to go check her out!

The second we get to the capital I'm met with a swarm of paparazzi and fans. But not the good type of fans that make your hair blow in the wind. The type of fans that try to yank off your hair so that their children can share your dna.

If you see any mini Arons running around, please know I truly pity that child.

I mean I'm hot shit and everything, but there is no way they are going to live up to their old man.

Once we get through the mob of paparazzi and fans, we get a room where they ready us for the game. Personally they just pluck my excuse of a beard, and file my nails.

Eleanor isn't as lucky. I can hear her screaming very loudly from across the hall. I hope I don't have to hear her screaming under different cerium stances.

I meant her screaming while she's dying. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Once my prep team finishes polishing me up, they bring me to meet with my stylist, a woman named Fern. And the name fits the person. Fern has wild dark green hair going in every direction with little plants sticking out of it. Her skin is pale and almost ghostly and she has tiny eyes and lips. The first thing she says to me is "Your brother was hotter."

Wow. What a great start we're off to already.

"At least I'm still hotter than you." I say thinking it's a great come back. It really isn't.

At this Fern burst out laughing. "You might be decent looking compared to district 3's standards, but here you look like pure shit."

"Well it's your job to fix that so get to work." And work she did. She tried on a bunch of different outfits and pinned them to fit me. While she did this she explained how normally stylists aren't aloud to make more than one outfit for each tribute, but since I'm obviously going to win, she was just getting a head start.

Once she's finished I'm barely recognizable. My hair has been dyed a silvery blue, and my bodysuit is the same color. The bodysuit has black metallic lines looking like the inside of a computer. I hate it, but Fern couldn't look more proud.

As soon as I get out of the torture chamber Fern calls an office I am met with a hidious looking Elanor. If I thought my interesting outfit was bad, this must be horrible. There are a bunch of computers put together to make a rectangular-prism-like dress. Her hair has also been folded into the shape of a laptop.

What a fun duo we are.

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