Angery (is an understatement)

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So we have a gorgeous little baby staring in this chapter. He speaks the language of babies, so it might be hard to understand what he is saying. I recommend sounding out the syllables aloud. It might make you sound crazy, but that's part of the fun. Practice here: Mwam, time ton Twattpap agwain. That says, "Mom, I'm on Wattpad again." On the off chance your mother has not taken away your device, enjoy this chapter.

I truly expected my whole family yelling at me about how stupid and crazy I am, so when it was just my brother I was quite surprised. Mom and dad had forced him to be my mentor, and they are currently giving me the silent treatment.

I'm in the room where families are supposed to have heartfelt goodbyes with their children before sending them off to die. Instead I'm being scolded by my older brother who will be coming with me to watch me die and try to prevent it. How fun.

Eventually the peacekeepers come in and tell Adam, my brother, time is up. I'm not expecting anyone else to come visit, since Adam has made it plenty clear that my parents want nothing to do with me. But someone else does come.

Eleanor's brother is probably the bravest 4 year-old I know. He is also the only 4 year-old I know. Still, I would never walk alone into a room with someone over double my age when I was so young.

"I mwade tou a towoken!" He says as he climbs on to the couch where I'm sitting.

"Oh yeah? May I see it, please?" I respond. Because my family and I aren't currently speaking, I wasn't expecting a token.

"Ear tuo go. Eleanor tas one too!" He says holding up a small beaded bracelet. The type that little kids make at school when the teachers need them to keep busy. It has a yellow string and a bunch of multicolored beads on it. I twist a blue bead shaped like a semicircle. Kinda like half a watermelon.

"I love it. Thank you so much." I say to the little boy. It is probably the nicest thing someone has ever done for me. "You should leave before the peacemakers force you. Thanks again." I add. As he slowly climbs off the couch and makes his way to the door.

"Mwah dew dwods tever be in tour vapor." He says with a giggle and leaves. Best. Kid. Ever.

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