(Fern is crazy) Wrong

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So you know how Fern said that she would make me hot according to capital standards? Well, mission failed. Both Eleanor and I have been the laughing stalks of Panem since the parade. And for good reason.

Since, of course, this is our first time in the Capital we don't know much about it's fashion. So we didn't know that a "dress" made out of computers and a two sizes tight bodysuit (that left nothing to imagination) were not the norm.

The second we came out into the parade, we were met with applause. That quickly changed once people saw what we were wearing.

The crowd started laughing, booing, gaging, and everything in between. To say it was embarrassing would be an understatement. Eleanor was cringing and looking incredibly uncomfortable, while I tried my best to look indifferent. Key word: tried.

Once we got back to the building in which we were staying I was expecting Adam to be screaming and shouting at Fern for making me look like a walking cable wire. What I didn't expect was for him to look happy.

He was beaming. Since our outfits were so unique we got lots of screen time. According to him, that's a good thing.

Right now I'm in my room staring at the wall. It is an interesting wall. It changes what it looks like based on what you pick. I have selected the color "depression gray"

Soon - I don't know if it actually is "soon" I've lost all sense of time - Elanor comes in. "Your looking at depression gray, too? I thought I was the only who found it."

"Nah. I've been staring at this for -" I check my watch, "7 hours. I should probably go to bed now."

"Mhm. I don't think so." She said, yanking open the curtain. Since when has the sun come up? "We have training. And it started 10 minutes ago."

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