Walking out into the hallway I can hear that everyone was here. Everyone being the girls, Zach, Taylor and even Michael. It was too late to turn back into and go to the bathroom to fix my just fucked hair; Estefania already saw me coming. Her and Taylor must of gone for a run since they were dressed in running attire.

"Good morning" I say waving at everyone

Everyone replies as they are working around the counter to grab food to eat. By the stove was Laura plating some eggs in a large bowl big enough for everyone.

I got close enough and wrapped my arm around her shoulder "morning beautiful" I whispered in her ear

"Hey babe" she says with a smile

We hesitate but go in for a little kiss but with the friends we have all we can hear is cheers and hoots. You've got to be kidding me.

"I baked something this morning Laura" Genesis says out of the blue "it's still in the oven" she giggles

"Want me to get it out?" Laura asks still red from the outburst


I watch as Laura goes over to the oven and reaches inside of it to pull out a cake that was already frosted and ready. Then there was laughing again as she set the cake on the counter. I walk over to see a cake that read "Congrats on the Sex". Laura and I look at each other and even though we were embarrassed we laugh it out without with them.

"I see that Joe's sense of humor is rubbing off on you" I tell her

"Just a bit" she snickers

I shake my head and put the cake in the fridge. Laura hands me a plate that's well served with eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fruit.

"Thank you" I tell her

"You're welcome, now eat!"

I do as I'm told and eat quickly since the guys were here so we could all head out together to meet Brent and Dillon. Taylor leaves as soon as he's done and we take the opportunity to step out as well. Everyone is saying bye on the driveway and front lawn; I pull Laura to my side.

"You didn't use a condom" she says

"I know I too caught up in the moment"

"Me too"

"So you don't regret it?" I ask her


"Good neither do I"

"I mean what are the odds of me being pregnant from one time?" she laughs

"Slim" I smile "well I'll call you later?"

"I'll call you; I have to be at work all day"


We give each other one last kiss and I step into my car following Zach and Michael on the road.


Reaching the parking lot of out rehearsal space the guys begin grinning at me as they step out of Zach's car.

"Okay go ahead" I say

"Virgin Cameron finally got laid!" Mike laughed

"You are no longer sacred" Zach teased

"Yeah yeah yeah" I hushed them down "let's just get this practice over with and go home"

"Oh he's tired" Mike winked

I would never hear the end of this.


Genesis's POV

We were all sitting in the living soon after the guys left. I couldn't help feeling hilarious after that cake stunt I pulled on Laura and Cameron. I'm so glad they didn't take it too seriously or else things would og gotten awkward! It's a good thing we're all such close friends.

"So was it really that obvious?" Laura asks biting her nails

"You and Cameron having sex?" Nani asks

"Yeah" Laura troubles

"Hell yeah!" I say

"Oh god" she says covering her face

"Don't worry Laura we've all done it but it hasn't that obvious"

"Wait Valerie you and Zach already had sex?" Nani asks alarmed

"Yeah... I thought it was noticeable" she answers

"Shoot" Nani says to herself

"Hold on" Carolina says "Nani you and Taylor haven't-"

"No!" she answers

"Girl swipe you're v-card!" I tell her

I see her turn red and everyone else couldn't help laugh at my statement.

"No Estefania don't worry about it, it'll happen when the time is right" my sister adds hitting me

"So when did you and Nick have sex then?" Laura questions

"Y'all don't remember?" she says

We all shake our heads and I try to remember but I cant.

"A month" she whispers

"What!" we all scream

"I mean I knew him like two months before hand and-"

"You're such a hoe!" I gasp

"Ha-ha whatever! This hoes getting married isn't she?" she shakes her head "speaking of, I was thinking about us going ahead and search for y'alls bridesmaids dresses"

"Shouldn't we pick out your dress first?" Laura asks

"Maybe but I still have no idea what I want"

"Well as long as you're paying" I add

"I am" she notes

"Heck let's go tomorrow then!"

"I'll see if we can" Carolina smiles

I begin to see Laura and Estefania getting ready to head out to work and I can now take into full notice that my sister had swollen eyes from crying. I never really knew why she left the club early last night so before everyone went their separate ways I brought it up.

"Caroline, what happened with Harry?"

I knew I had caught her off guard as she looked up at me frozen.

"Tell us, we were worried last night" Laura says

"He's just instigating something that doesn't exist, I can handle this guys don't worry" she replies getting up and walking away.

I knew she could handle it but the question was could she handle alone?

Laura, Estefania and Valerie head off to work and I was happy to go back to my room and receive a call from Joe until I answer and was taken aback from his reply.

"What the hell happened last night?!"

Oh no.

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