Chapter 14

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"Communication is key. You and your partner need to communicate properly. Even if there are no words between you, you still have to observe and take into account the smallest of tells and cues. You have to always check if your partner is alright and how quickly and how far you should proceed."

His uncle's words were echoing in Lan Wangji's head as he slowly inserted himself into his husband. He had to admit that Lan Qiren had been right. Once he had actually started paying attention to Wei Ying, not like before, not only assuming that if his husband was not protesting, everything was alright, everything changed.

He could see how Wei Ying got surprised when he had touched a spot which made him moan a little louder than others, when he tensed slightly if things got too rough, when he was asking him to go further. There was so much to see now that he did not let himself be overtaken by his desires and retained a little bit of self-restraint. Just as Lan Qiren had said earlier, this was all about giving his partner the utmost care and pleasure.

He could still not believe he had been so blind before. He had hurt his perfect husband and he had not even known why! It was so obvious too, he really should have paid more attention from the very start. He felt like he had failed his husband yet again, not attentive enough despite swearing to himself to always take care of him. Now he would have to make it up to him every day.

He was very much conscious of the pace at which he was pounding into his husband and watching for any signs of discomfort or pain, for even the subtlest change in Wei Ying's breathing or the tiniest twitch of his eyebrows. Nothing like that happened as he carefully yet very much satisfyingly for himself continued to pleasure his husband until they both reached their climax.

He pulled out with all the care in the world and collapsed onto the bed next to Wei Ying who was still dazed and panting heavily but conscious and smiling. He could not remember Lan Qiren leaving but when he looked around, his uncle was no longer in the Jingshi, it was just the two of them. He breathed out a small sigh of relief, now, he did not want anyone to interrupt his special moments with his husband.

He drew Wei Ying closer and started running his fingers in his hair. He would have to help him clean up but that could wait for a minute, it was too soon, he was still riding the after waves of pleasure and excitement. His husband gave him a small chaste kiss on his lips and curled into his arms.

This was so different from all their previous times when Wei Ying would be half unconscious. He had really been such a brute! He should punish himself by copying rules so he would remember that even without his forehead ribbon, he should still not lose himself to his lust and should be there for his husband.

Wei Ying stirred a little bit after a while, and when he tilted his head to look at Lan Wangji, his cheeks were bright red and his eyes somewhat uncertain. It was only after he started talking that Lan Wangji realized they should have probably done this from the very beginning. Communication really was the key.

"Lan Zhan," started Wei Ying a little bit hesitantly, as if embarrassed or unsure he was allowed to say something like this aloud, "do you think we could do it like this more often?"

When Lan Wangji could not find it in himself to reply immediately, still berating himself for making his husband to ever experience anything but tender and careful love making, Wei Ying continued, more nervous this time, blabbering quickly and more low key.

"I mean, it is not like I do not like the usual way, but this time, it was... somehow... more. It was the best I could have wished for, it really was. Thank you, Lan Zhan."

Wei Ying kissed Lan Wangji's lips again feather-light, apparently seeking reassurance that Lan Wangji felt the same but at the same time afraid of the possibility he did not. The Second Jade almost wanted to cry hearing his beloved thanking him for doing things properly. If it had not been for Lan Qiren and his guidance, he would have continued to hurt his husband and Wei Ying would have surely never told him he did not like it. They could really not go on like this. He had learned his lesson and he would not forget it.

"Mn, anything for Wei Ying. Yu should always tell me what you want. I will do my best to make it happen."

And that was a solemn wow, both to his husband and to himself. He did not ever want to become like his father, never listening to his mother and never communicating properly. Lan Wangji would try; it would probably not work out from the very beginning, but he was determined to get there. He would never again hurt his husband, not even out of negligence or inexperience.

He kissed Wei Ying back and they laid there for a while longer, content to have each other by their side. After a long moment when Lan Wangji's body was telling him it was time to finally go to sleep, he carefully got up, mindful not to wake up Wei Ying who had already been dozing off for a few minutes. He went to fetch water to help him clean up and massaged his muscles so he would hopefully not be too sore in the morning.

He prepared for bed and joined his already sleeping husband. He had to smile when Wei Ying immediately drew closer to him and mumbled from his sleep: "I love you, Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji kissed his forehead one last time, whispering into the other's ear: "I love Wei Ying too. Forever." 

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