Chapter 2

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Lan Qiren was in a foul mood today. It had been already a week since Wei Wuxian came to live in the Cloud Recesses and he had yet to find him and ask about his duties. It could not be that that rascal of his nephew's husband thought that he would not have to do anything at all? No one in the Cloud Recesses went without duties assigned to them, they all had to help to the best of their abilities, making the Gusu Lan sect proud.

It also helped to keep the disciples busy so they would not have enough free time to cause any trouble. And that was exactly what Wei Wuxian needed. Lan Qiren remembered his last stay in the Cloud Recesses, during the guest lectures. Although it had been so long ago, he could never forget how mischievous Wei Wuxian had been then. Long time had passed since and he could only hope that the demonic cultivator had gained at least some wisdom ever since. Although he did not think it too probable.

He was no longer too concerned about the whole demonic cultivation thing; the truth had been revealed and he knew that it was the only way for Wei Wuxian to protect himself without having a golden core. And Lan Wangji was making sure he was not overusing it, playing Rest and Cleansing for him every day. It had been a week and there were no problems, Lan Qiren was ready to believe that Wei Wuxian had things under control.

Or he would like to say that if he had actually seen the demonic cultivator in this week at least once. He had permitted the married couple to stay in the Jingshi but Wei Wuxian had yet to leave it, or so it seemed at least.

Very grumpy, he decided that if Wei Wuxian would not come to him, he would have to go see Wei Wuxian. And that was why he was now sitting in the Jingshi, watching a very awkwardly moving demonic cultivator preparing tea for him. He was asking himself if Wei Wuxian was just trying to subtly mock him or if there was something behind his stiff and careful movements and occasional winces.

Could it had been connected to his missing golden core? Was Wei Wuxian perhaps sick or injured? No, that could not be it; he had seen him moving just fine when he and Lan Wangji came back to the Cloud Recesses a week ago. Whatever happened, must have taken place during that week of Wei Wuxian not coming out of the Jingshi, or at least if he knew of.

He looked more closely and realized that Wei Wuxian was trying to put pressure off of his lower back and that his knees were sometimes shaking under him and he had to catch himself on a piece of furniture every so often. He was doing so as if it was intentional so this could not have been some kind of accident. There was definitely something wrong with the boy – Lan Qiren had a hard time thinking of Wei Wuxian as a man seeing that he was now occupying a body of a twenty something year old young adult and he was behaving still like a teenager, not that anyone could blame him since he had died one and his soul had just come back.

When Wei Wuxian was sitting down opposite to him, Lan Qiren watched with suspicion how he was lowering himself ever so carefully. And were there three cushions under him? Everything became clear at once. Not that he wanted to meddle in the love life of his nephew and his husband but he had no choice at this point unless he wanted to risk rumours about Gusu Lan sect disciples being brutes when it came to romance spread all around. He would have to talk with Lan Wangji about this, and soon.

For now however, there was still the matter of assigning Wei Wuxian appropriate duties so he would be kept busy once he would actually be able to move around. Even if it was tempting to leave the situation as it was and have Wei Wuxian pass his days in the Jingshi, Lan Qiren could not in clear conscience allow his judgment to be clouded and let the boy suffer just because of his nephew's inexperience.

He had thought long and hard about what he would be comfortable with Wei Wuxian doing. Without a golden core, he could not very well do any heavy labour, Lan Wangji would surely oppose that idea the instant he would hear about it. Assisting in cultivation training or supervising night hunts would have been a much more preferable solution, after all, Wei Wuxian had once, and for him not so long ago, been the head disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang sect. Lan Qiren would not take away his credit as a fighter. However, there was the issue of his missing golden core once again, he would need to use demonic cultivation to protect himself if anything happened and Lan Wangji would surely not want to even hear about it. That only left theoretical classes or teaching sword forms.

Then again, Lan Qiren was not sure he wanted Wei Wuxian to teach any theory, surely not when he vividly remembered his questions as a young student involving cultivation of resentful energy. Although he himself found it only slightly off-putting, he could not allow the young disciples to ever learn anything about the principles of demonic cultivation lest he wanted to risk someone trying it out and endangering themselves. Other theoretical classes were out of question too since Wei Wuxian himself would hardly be suitable to talk about history or other 'boring and useless stuff' as he had called it back in his youth.

So the only other option left was musical cultivation and talisman classes. Lan Qiren knew that Wei Wuxian would be suitable for both. Not the best option, do not get him wrong, if he had found anything else, he would have not chosen to offer Wei Wuxian this opportunity. Unfortunately, there was literally nothing else the demonic cultivator could do and what Lan Wangji would allow him to do.

Lan Qiren picked up his freshly poured cup of tea and slowly sipped the warm liquid. He was a bit surprised that Wei Wuxian could prepare tea this perfectly. It was good, fragrant and having just the right level of bitterness. He enjoyed his tea while looking at the nervous boy in front of him.

He took his time savouring his cup and when it was empty, Wei Wuxian poured him a new one. Lan Qiren was secretly amused by how nervous the other looked but it would not be kind to keep him in the dark anymore.

"Wei Wuxian," he started, perhaps a little more strictly than he had wanted because the other flinched slightly, "I have come today to ask you which duties you wanted to pick up. As you know, everyone in the Cloud Recesses is asked to perform duties for the sect, that is how the Gusu Lan sect can thrive."

He made a short pause, giving Wei Wuxian time to react if he so desired. Sure enough, the boy was immediately talking enthusiastically: "Master Lan Qiren, I am sorry I did not come find you earlier, I had been... inconvenienced. I would be happy to take up any duties you will assign to me. Although I cannot do any hard labour, and teaching cultivation is probably also out of question, I could probably help around the Cloud Recesses? Like in the kitchen, or joining the servants..."

"Nonsense," interrupted him Lan Qiren, earning himself a surprised look, "you are husband of one of my nephews, I would not let you join the servants. I have something else in mind if you would agree." The surprised look grew even more intense and Lan Qiren had to ask himself what kind of opinion the boy had of him. He sighed internally and continued: "You could either teach the beginner musical classes; we have a spot open for a flute teacher right now. Or you could teach talismans, I heard you are quite good with them."

Wei Wuxian grinned at him, visibly happy and relieved: "I could do both if you would allow me!"

That was good, it seemed like Lan Qiren had picked the other's interest. Now it was only the matter of him actually being able to walk to the classroom without kneeling over.

Lan Qiren stood up, waving his hand dismissively when Wei Wuxian wanted to bow to him again and he left the Jingshi in search of Lan Wangji. 

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