It's about Lu

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On the next morning Lucia was first to wake up. She was wearing an oversized hoodie that John B gave her yesterday before they went to sleep. She made the bed and headed outside of John Bs room into the living room. She spotted JJ laing shirtless on the pull out couch. On her way to the kitchen she also saw John B sleeping on another couch. Just like JJ he wasn't wearing a shirt.

In the kitchen she poured herself a glass of water. She had a slight headache but she had worse. She felt the urge to go and smoke a cigarette but she didn't know where her stuff was so she decided to look for something to eat instead of a cigarette. So she started  looking through the cabinets for something they could eat for breakfast. She didn't found much but it would be enough to make a simple pancake dough.

When she finished the dough she started baking them. The whole Chateau smelled like pancakes. Soon after she started John B walked into the kitchen "Wow. That smells good" he said. "Good morning to you too" she chuckled. "But thank you". "Can I take a shower before we eat?" the brunette asked. "If you hurry up then yes. God I sound like a mom" the girl said responding making both of them laugh.

John B went to take a shower throwing a pillow at JJ to wake him up. "Hey sleepyhead wake up. We are getting breakfast today" he yelled while disappearing into the bathroom. JJ slowly getting up and heading towards the kitchen. "Good morning babygirl. You slept well?" He said making Lucia jump. "Damn, you scared me. Morning. Yes actually pretty comfortable here". She was still focussed on baking the pancakes.

The girl was still wearing just the pullover over her underwear. But it was large enough to fall down over her small body until her mid thigh. As she turned around to put the last pancakes on the plate she noticed JJ smiling at her she returned the smile looking into his blue eyes. "You want a coffee?" She asked being slightly distracted by his toned body. "Yeah but I can make it myself" he said with a smile knowing that she was checking him out. He was still hurt about the rejection from last night but he wanted to ignore it to not influence their very close friendship. The boy didn't understand the signs she was making. In one moment she kissed him back and in the other she pulled away. She left him behind yesterday and was checking him out now. What is it with girls? Why are they so fucking complicated?

While he was coming around the counter to make coffee Lucia tried to grab some cups from one of the upper shelves. When she stretch up to reach it, her hoodie slipped up showing her ass. JJ gave it a short look but turning around to keep cooking the coffee and smiling to himself. Lucia put three cups on the counter while JJ was making the coffee. She straighten her pullover so it was covering her again. She didn't notice who he was looking at her some moments before.

Just in this moment John B came out of the bathroom. He was just wearing a towel wrapped around his waist. While he ruffled through his hair some water droplets ran over his slightly sun burned skin. Lucia didn't realize that she was staring until his eyes met hers. Making the boy smile and the girls face turned a light shade of pink.

JJ was still busy doing the coffee. "Bro can you hurry up the pancakes are getting cold" the blonde yelled at his best friend making him break the eye contact.

Lucia grabbed the plates with the food and brought it outside. JJ following after her with two cups of coffee. He handed her one. Just as they sat down John B joined them also holding his coffee. The three started eating and talked about what they were going to do today. It was Saturday and they had the idea to go on a ride with the HMS pogue.

"Does anyone know where my phone is?" Lucia asked remembering that she handed it to JJ for the bet she did yesterday. "I put it in your bag yesterday before you left" the blonde said while grabbing another pancake. "Okay and did anybody maybe took my bag or is it still at the boneyard?" Lucia asked. "Yeah I saw that Kie had your bag so it's probably at hers. Don't worry we will find it" John B said with his mouth still filled with pancake. Lucia just laughed. She didn't really worry about it. The boys ate all the pancakes not even realizing that Lucia just had two or three.

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