admission ritual

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They all jumped out off the van. Lucia followed the others inside of the small house. Everybody behaved as if they lived there as well. Lucia kept waiting in the hallway not really knowing where she should go. JJ came back to her with two cigarettes and a lighter in his hand. "You wanna smoke?" "Sure. But I have my own" Lucia said motioning to her bag. "Okay babygirl as you wish" JJ said while putting one cigarette behind his ear keeping it while he hold he other one between his lips. The nickname he chose for her made her feel butterflies in her whole body. Yes she liked JJ but she pushed her thoughts aside as fast as possible feeling guilty.

The pair went outside to the porch and sat down on one of the couches. JJ lit the cigarette and hold the lighter towards Lucia so that it was possible for her to lit her own as well.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I don't know what was wrong with my brother" Lucia said while looking at JJ. He shrugged while he was inhaling some smoke. "You know it's nothing that hadn't happened before. Just the-" he said being cut off by Lucia "Kook vs. Pogue shit. Yes I'm familiar with that by now. It's just that" she made a short break taking another hit from her cigarette. "My brother isn't that type of person that gets physical you know. At least so far that I know of"

"You know lets not talk about what happened. We have an amazing weekend ahead of us" the blonde smiled not really sure what advice he could give to the girl right now. He wasn't one that has a healthy family relationship either.
JJ and Lucia actually became pretty close over the last weeks. They talked every morning and JJ grew to like the girl. Maybe more than he would like to admit.

Just in this moment John B and Pope stumbled out of the door. "Get your asses back in here! I'm not cooking alone! John Booker Routledge! Pope Heyward!" Kie yelled from inside. The boys started running off towards the Twinkie. "You don't  have to! There are two helpers on the porch." Pope yelled back referring to JJ and Lucia. "We're just going to get some stuff we need and a keg? For the party later!" John B added.

Kie came outside of the chateau and putting her arms on her hips "boys" she mumbled shaking her head. "Hey! I'm still here" JJ said from his spot.

"We're coming to help you" Lucia said smiling at the girl. "Yeah I'm coming to keep you company. I think you two will handle the cooking part just excellent without my help." The boy said while standing up and offering his hand to Lucia to help her stand up.

"You know JJ with your cooking talent that's probably the best choice" Kie responded to his comment. The three of them headed back inside. Kie and Lucia cooked something while JJ sat on the counter making stupid comments about the girls conversation.

As they heard the Twinkie park outside JJ went to greet his friends. "You know that you will do the dishes later" Kie said as the boys walked back inside. JJ pointed at himself with a questioning look on his face. Before he could even ask his question Kie answered. "Yes J. You too" Lucia chuckled at the boy's reaction.

Each of them grabbed a plate a headed outside to sit on the porch. They all talked and laughed until everybody was finished. "Girls I have to admit it was really good. You can do that more often" John B said standing up and grabbing some plates heading inside. Pope and JJ taking the rest of the dishes and following after their friend. Leaving the girls alone.

"Can I ask you something? It's a little personal" Kie started. "Yes shoot" Lucia answered with a smile on her face. "So when you and your brother were at the Wreck I heard you talking about.... yeah I heard you talking and normally I wouldn't care because it's like none of my business but now you're here and we're friends and I feel like it's important now." Kie started talking but not really daring to name the problem. "And now you've eaten something but you haven't finished your whole portion and if that is all you've eaten in a day then-"

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