Chapter 25

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Sasuke's POV

Seriously they need to be stopped

"Itachi, you agree too right? Naru-chan is cute, so they'll be giving us tons of cute grandchildren!" Mom said as she continued flipping the magazine's pages.

"Ahem.. hmm" Itachi answered still trying to suppress his laughs

"See Sasuke! Even your brother agrees with us!" Mom once again shouted

"Honey look at this, this doctor certainly got a lot of awards and is a very professional doctor! How about we pick this one as Naru-chan's doctor?" Dad said as he showed the photo

Ah seriously. They are still thinking about this?!

This started months ago, when I helped Naruto in his heat. They thought, we already did it and I was only shy to tell them.

Right after that, they started buying tons of magazines, even going to different malls just to pick stores that would sell high quality baby stuffs! From our wedding outfits to picking doctors that will handle Naruto during his pregnancy.

"Ah seriously, they can't be stopped!"

They are even fetching off different informations about different hospitals, just to ensure Naruto's safe delivery.

"Mom, Dad. Like I said, I appreciate your efforts and I truly understand where that excitement came from but I kept on telling you Naruto isn't yet ready. Can't you see? We're still young, we can't go and marry ourselves off without knowledge about these things" 

Both Mom and Dad looked at me

"But I got pregnant with Itachi at the age of 19 you know?" Mom said as she looked at Dad with a lovey dovey eyes

"Mom! This isn't the same as your time! Come on, please understand. Naruto isn't the same as you nor I am the same as Dad. We have our own pace, there's no need for us to be the same as yours"

I heard mom sighed as she closed the book she was holding, she was slowly gathering the magazines and looked at me when she finished fixing them.

"You see Sasuke, we are getting old and our excitement might swept you up. But we want to see our grandchildren as soon as possible, we don't want to die without holding them"

"Hmm.. we've seen how you struggled everytime your rut hits Sasuke. We can't help but feel pain. I understand that Naru-chan isn't still ready to bare a child but at the very least tell him to do the pairing tradition with you. It's gonna be hard for you if you won't do it as soon as possible" Father added once again as he seriously looked at me

"Fine, if that's what you want but please do not tell me to come here if you're just gonna shove all of those magazines in front of me. I am doing my very best to understand and respect Naruto's decision. Helping you deciding which is which isn't really respecting Naruto's side, I want to talk these with him and not with you. I appreciate if you'll only be there to support us whether what decision we are going to make" I answered as I stood and bowed

"I'm leaving, I need to visit him" I said as I left

I was outside our gate when Itachi followed me

"Isn't this gonna make you just like me?" Itachi smiled trying to piss me off

"No, and why? I am not the same as you" I answered

"You see, both of us are waiting for our mates. But, yours is way too hard. I've already bitten my pair on his nape, and he's outside from our country so it's not a torture for me. Unlike you, you haven't bitten Naru-chan, and he's just there right beside you. Isn't that more pitiful?" Itachi said as he smirked

"You know Aniki, you do know your ways on how to successfully piss me off. Fuck off, that's none of your business. At the very least, I can see and I can be with Naruto. Unlike you, you don't even know if he'll come back. Suck it up, aniki" I said as I left


[ c25 fin ]

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