Chapter 24

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Sasuke's POV

When I came home, I saw Itachi leaning against the door.

"Dad thought you'll run away again" Itachi said with a serious tone


Seriously ... If this is about it then this is seriously gonna be a problem.

"Come on, you know what dad and mom wants. Just try and persuade them" Itachi added as he turned his back and walked away

"Ah damn it" I cussed under my breath

Right when I entered, I suddenly heard my father talked

"Good thing you came, Sasuke"

I didn't bother to look at him and just took a seat

"How are you?" Father asked

"I'm fine, there's no need for you to be concerned" just when I finished answering him, I heard mom shouted from the kitchen

"Sasuke, you shouldn't talk to your dad like that!"

I looked away trying to suppress my irritation

"Leave him be, he already know what's right and wrong" Father answered back

My mom came bringing tons of books, folders and files

Damn it, this must be it. I thought I'm done with this!

Mom then placed it on the table right in front of me

"Sasuke, take a look at these candidates. You kept on pushing these away!" Mom said as she looked at me intently

Damn it, i feel suffocated.

"This! And this! Why? Do you not like them?" Mom asked with a hint of frustration

"No! I told you for God knows how many times, I am not gonna accept them!" I angrily said

"Sasuke, do not shout. It's not gonna change anything" Itachi said as he stood behind me

"But we've been searching them for how many months already, when are you going to accept it?" Father said

"I won't. I already explained to you everything." I answered calmly

Just how long do I need to keep my self composed. They are getting out of hand.

"Honey! Aren't these cute?!" Mom squealed

"Yes honey! I don't even know why Sasuke isn't moving! He's way too slow!" Father answered as he went and got the magazines

Damn it, here they go again!! I'm gonna hear it once again!!


"Come on Sasuke! Aren't these baby shoes cute?!"

"Right! How about this? Naru-chan might prefer boys right!"

"How about this stuff toys! I'm surely the babies will love these!!"

They excitedly flipped all of the magazine, specifically on the babies section, including wedding outfits, almost everything!

"Mom, Dad! I told you, Naruto isn't ready to have a child!" I said as I facepalmed

"But why? We even chose the candidates who'll be handling your wedding ceremony, naru-chan's doctor, and also the nurses who'll handle the babies!"

"Mom both you and dad are way too advanced! We're still a college students!"

Damn it, this is why I hate it when they ask me to go home. They kept on bugging me about Me and Naruto's pairing. Seriously, they are way too excited! Going all the way like picking who's gonna handle everything!

"But aren't you gonna marry each other right after you graduate? Oh no, honey! We should be picking our best outfits now!" Mom said as he held Dad's arms

I heard itachi chuckled behind me

"Stop laughing!" I angrily said as I pushed Itachi lightly.

They are seriously excited. Can't they understand Naruto isn't ready yet?!

"I'm sorry but, this is way too funny" Itachi said trying to suppress his laughs

Damn it, seriously. Why am I the only one who has to provide this clan a grandchildren!

"Itachi, you already have a pair. Why won't you go and make one already! Seriously they kept on bugging me because you still don't have one!" 

"I told you he's still at New York. What do you want me to do, deliver my cock to him?" Itachi answered back

Ah. This is seriously pissing me off. Fucking. Uchiha, Itachi.


[ c24 fin ]

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