Chapter 11

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Naruto's POV

i woke up feeling like i was so tired... when i tried to sit up, i suddenly felt an arm gripping onto my waist tightly. When i looked who it was, my face suddenly heated up

"s-sasuke..." i whispered.. what is he doing in here..

suddenly a series of flashbacks came into my head which made me more flustered than i already was. I roam my eyes around and it landed on my shirt

"h-he changed me??" i whispered once again, my eyes once again landed on sasuke's arm. It was firm and big, i tried to look at his face.. he was handsome even though he was asleep, his hair that falls perfectly just right at his nose, his pale skin, his onyx colored hair that matches his skin tone.. over all he was perfect.

i snapped out from my thoughts when he suddenly moved. I made my mind up and decided to wake him up.

"s-sasuke.. wake u-up" i said as i tried to remove his arms around my waist but as i was trying to remove it, the grip suddenly got tighter than it was before, and i felt my heart jumped out by his surprising movement.

"no.. sleep more.." he mumbled while still asleep.

he must have forgotten he's with me..

i tried to shake him up once again

"s-sasuke please wake up .. i need to pee" i said trying to find an excuse to walk away

"no .. just stay here don't go .. naruto" he mumbled once again. i was so shocked that i don't know what to react. All i felt was a loud thump in my heart, the blood that rushed to my cheeks, and how it hitched my breath..

i suddenly felt weak and helpless that it made me go back lying beside him. I changed my position and faced him

i stared at him and started to think what other things could happen after this .. i closed my eyes and tried to think but suddenly a voice that was deep that makes my legs go weak rung in my ear

"what are you looking at dobe?" he said while smirking, my eyes opened wide and i could feel that my cheeks burned

"i .. i-i wasn't!!" i said as i tried to stood up and walk away but a strong pair of arms stopped me and was snaked around my waist

"don't go." he said as i could feel the seriousness in it

"i-i'm not going anywhere, im going to the bathroom..." i explained

i heard him sighed and felt that the grip was slowly getting removed but seconds after that his hand suddenly sneaked inside at the back of the shirt and opened it as he kissed my loin and made me gasp

"s-sasuke!" i shouted and i saw him chuckled as a smile formed in his lips

"just marking" he said while caressing his hair

i immediately ran inside the bathroom and looked at the mirror and saw how red i was

"that sasuke!" i said while fixing my hair, i touched the part where he kissed and shivered

"haahh--" i said and caressed my hair

how can he stir me up just by his little actions

i hurriedly finished washing my hands and made my way out of the bathroom.

i roam my eyes around and saw that sasuke left already when suddenly a cold air blew on my ear

"looking for something?.." a deep voice said

i gasped and moved inches away from him

"were you looking for me? hmm? naruto?" he asked while smirking

"i am not!" i answered strongly, i saw how his smirk go wider

"mhmm.. alright. how about let's talk about us now?" he said while slowly walking towards me

i slowly stepped back and felt the hard wall behind my back

"w-why? what are we going to talk about" i said trying to avoid his gaze, when suddenly he cupped my face and made me look at him

i was staring right at his onyx eyes when suddenly it slowly changed into red one

"y-your eyes ... it's doing it again.." i said

"mhmm.. i explained it to you before right..?" he said while staring at me

"b-but what do you mean??" i said still trying to understand

"you are my fated pair" he said as he made his way near my neck and nuzzled

f-fated pair?!


[ c11 fin ]

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