She rolled over to us excitedly.

    "Can you take us to Superboy?"

    Sphere revved, before turning into the cycle.

    "I think that's a yes."

    We arrived outside the doors, only to come face to face with a squad of Reach troopers. Miss Martian and I took them all down as they opened, revealing the Team and the abductees we saved from the last time.

    "Hey fearless leader," Arsenal walked over. "Better late than never."

    "Everyone safe?"

    "For now."

    "The Chrystal Key?"

    "Gone." Black Beetle was fighting someone behind. "And we better get gone too before one of them declares a winner."

    "Right, move out."

    We brought everyone to the Bio-ship, ready to go home.

    "All aboard," Miss Martian said. "We're almost home free."

    "I think congratulations are in order," I told the new kids. "No training, no guidance, and yet you pulled it off. When we get back, after a debrief, there might be a place for all of you with the Team."

    "Wow, really?" one of them said interestedly.

    "So now that we save your butts, you're cool with us not being Star Lab's guinea pigs."

    "Dude, chill!"

    "Before we head back, we need to talk about Blue Beetle," Arsenal told me. "He betrayed us."

    "Look who's talking," Bee said from behind. "Last thing I remember is you blowing an airlock without warning! Nearly got us all killed and absolutely guaranteed our capture!"

    "Hey! After eight years on ice, there's no way I was getting grabbed again. And in case you hadn't noticed my escape resulted in you being free now to stand here and complain. So how about a thank you?"

    "You're right Arsenal," I regained his attention. "Thank you. And after we get back to Earth. You're. Off. The Team."

    "Well, wait a minute!"

    "If it wasn't for Arsenal, we wouldn't have rescued anyone."

    "That may be, but this isn't the first time he's pulled this kind of stunt. Intentionally endangering the lives of teammates in order to further his own agenda or guard against his own personal demons. It's unacceptable. So until you prove yourself a team player, you have no place on this team. Now let's get aboard and get out of here."

    It was harsh, but after almost losing everyone—almost losing Rena—no more sacrifices. No more unnecessary risks. No more putting the people I care about in danger.

    "We can discuss this further when we're not behind enemy lines."

    "Sounds like there's nothing left to discuss."

    "See, we don't need your help getting back to Earth, or your offer to join the Team. We have our own way of doing things."

    "What do you say bro, want to ride with us?" they asked Arsenal.

    "Sounds like a plan."

    One of them pulled out a fatherbox. "Wait! Is that a—"

    "Home please," she told it.

    They disappeared in a portal in the floor.

May 30, 06:21 EDT

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