Chapter 11

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Betrayed. We have all felt that way at one point in our life or another. Whether it was from a friend, an enemy, a mom, a dad, a sibling, or even a lover, everyone has felt that feeling.

Feeling Betrayed is a shocking feeling because most of the time it's something you had no clue was happening, or something you had no clue had been said.

Delilah was feeling betrayed right now.

It was 8 in the morning and Sarah Cameron had come to her door. She had told her the worst possible thing, that Rafe was using her to get information and apparently she heard earlier this morning that he said, she was nothing, and she was a dirty little pogue.

She didn't understand, she didn't want it to be real, but deep down she felt as though it was true.

Why would he like her?
It made sense that he would do something like this.

After all, it is Rafe we are talking about.

After Sarah left Delilah sat down on her couch trying to play out her next move,

Should she act dumb?

Or should she confront him and end it?

After 5 minutes of going back and forth she went with the second option.

She puts on her shoes not caring what she looks like at the moment, that didn't matter to her right now.

But if you must now she was wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt. her eyes where stained red from her crying about the stupid boy, and she felt nauseous from how clueless she was.

And at this moment as she hops on her bike to go find him was when she really truly realized how much the boy meant to her.

Up until this point he was the best thing in her life, he meant a lot to her, and although she hated to admit it and felt embarrassed by it, she would have done mostly everything for the boy.

Would have. Now would she, she didn't know.

After riding her bike to Rafe's mansion of a house.

She quickly knocks on the door, only for the same little girl to answer.

"Looking for Rafe?" She questions sounding half annoyed,

Delilah just nods.

"Yea he isn't here, he went down to the beach over there" she said pointing to the side of her.

Delilah nods again as a thank you before grabbing her bike riding over to the beach to see him standing there leaning against his dirt bike.

She takes a deep breath in before saying to herself,

"Don't take his shit, your a bad ass" trying to convince herself of the words she was saying.

She reaches him and taps his shoulder, he turns around immediately smiling. Until he sees her face and then it immediately goes blank, almost concerned.

He was wearing pants and a Grey long sleeve polo, he still had bed head, but as usual he looked good.

"Hey Delilah what's wrong?" He questions sounding sincere.

She sniffles before saying "stop pretending like you care" in a whisper her confidence draining from her now that she is in his presence.

He stands up straight a confused look spreading across his face, "what do you mean pretend, I do care" he says reaching out for her arm.

She pulls it back, not wanting him to touch her.

"What are you doing why are you acting like this?" He questions getting irritated that she won't let him hold her.

Lost Together  - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now