Chapter 3

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Rafe's POV ~~~~~bet you weren't expecting that ;)

"This is so stupid" she says to me and then turns around.

This is stupid, but it's the most interaction I've had with someone in a long time without lashing out at them so it made me feel a little less crazy.

I then notice a notebook on the floor, her notebook. A nice person would call her name and tell her she dropped it, but as we've all figured out by now I'm not a very nice person.

I pick it up and slide it into my jacket and walk back to my house prepared to read it when I get home.

I walk through the gates seeing them scrub off the rest of the word 'Murderer'

I'm the murderer I killed the sheriff, but I did it to protect my dad all the bad things I've done where for him, to keep him safe.

I shake my head walking through the doors to my house before I walk up to my banister I see my Dad in the dining room.

"Hey dad can I talk to you" I say looking around making sure nobody is around or could here us

"Not now Rafe I have to figure out our way around what you've done, go away" he says harshly slamming the double doors in my face.

I quickly catch myself from getting upset. i put my hands on my face then run them through my hair I quickly run upstairs to my room shutting the door and locking it.

I throw the notebook on the bed and go into my bathroom and stair at myself in the mirror

He doesn't realize I did this all for him.
I'm doing this to protect him is that not good enough?
I get worked up and grab my hand trying to calm myself down but it's no use and I punch the mirror in front of me shards of glass falling to the floor.

"Fuck!" I yell my hand now bloody from the glass I grab a towel and cover it leaving the bathroom not wanting to see what I've just done.

After cleaning myself up I lay on my bed and look down at her notebook

Fuck it.

I open the notebook to a random page and begin to read it. The date marked back two months ago


"Today was especially hard, my mom came home today in the evening completely drunk and called me the usual names useless, disgrace, and my personal favorite pathetic, she kicked me out and locked the door so I couldn't come back in and so I went to the beach and stayed there for the night. It was okay but it still sucks not to be sure of your own family. I like being a pogue and all but god sometimes it would just be easier to be a kook. That's all for today signing off


Rafe looks up from the book realizing he calls her pathetic and he has called it to her both times he's scene her. He felt a tang of guiltiness but it was quickly washed away as he turned to a different page.

It was from 2 days ago.

"Today was going pretty good until I got to figure 8 and accidentally bumped into a boy aka Rafe Cameron aka a jerk. He called me pathetic like my mom does he put his hands on me and yelled in my face. He made me feel the way my mom made me feel all those other times. He made me feel worthless, useless, like I was nothing. He made me feel the way I feel everyday of my life just a little worse. Gosh I hope I don't run into him again



He closes the book feeling as if he had read enough.

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