chapter 4

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If you want the cover photo there it is :)


disgusting Delilah is crawling on her hands and knees through the sewers with Kiara in front of her crawling as slow as possible. This was probably a bad time for her to mention her claustrophobia.

they reach the main part of the sewer and start searching around,

"how are you guys doing in there" JJ yells through the sewer opening.

"oh just great JJ thanks for asking" Delilah replies scoffing to herself.

why did she agree to this again?

oh yea because nothing remotely interesting happens to me ever she thought and it was a chance to make some friends.

some crazy ass friends.

as they continue to search all of sudden Kie starts screaming, Delilah looks over to see her holding up what looked like an arm.

"oh my god I think i'm going to be sick" Delilah yells putting her hand over her mouth then quickly ripping it away gagging forgetting her hand was just in sewage water.

"you boys are so dead" Kie yells out to JJ and Pope.

right after she says that a loud banging sound happens and the sewer begins to fill with water

"whats happening" Delilah trembles looking at kie

"Oh my god go" kie yelled back to as her as they both try to run back the way they came but it was already filled with water.

"JJ Pope do something" Delilah yelled climbing up the ladder next to Kiara

they get to the top of the sewage drain as JJ and Pope start to try to pull the lid off.

"hurry please!" kie yells to them as her and Delilah are trying to push the lid up.

then there heads go under the water, JJ and Pope know they only have seconds left and they pull as hard as they can thankfully the lid comes off and both the girls come popping up from the tunnel.

they lay there on the floor coughing trying to catch there breath as JJ and Pope make sure they are both okay.

"so much for getting the gun." JJ says sounding disappointed.

"you mean this" Delilah says breathlessly pulling the gun out of her pocket.

"yes yes yes!" kie shouts standing up hugging her

"so bad ass Lil" Pope shouts hugging her as she smiles loving the new nickname.

"Delilah you are so freaking awesome I could kiss you right now" he says sarcastically laughing

they all laugh

"No thank you" she says giggling joking with him

"gonna do it anyway" he says kissing her on the cheek softly.

after that they hug each other both making it clear that this is clearly a friendly relationship, nothing more.

they all pull away before Delilah says "what kind of Psycho would flush the sewer in the middle of the day" she says knowing it wasn't a coincidence

"whoever it was didn't want us to find that" she finishes pointing at the gun.

the three other Pogues stare at each other knowingly having a pretty good idea of who did it, but they decide to keep quiet and not tell her it was definitely Rafe who almost killed her.

Lost Together  - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now