Chapter 8

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It's been a two weeks. Two weeks since Delilah talked to the pogues, two weeks since she went to the figure 8 docs, and it's been two weeks since she had last talked to Rafe.

She hadn't written in her journal since then, mainly because she had nothing to write. No sad stories, no happy stories, their was nothing.

She had gotten texts from the pogues telling her how sorry they where and how they miss her, but she needed time. She just didn't know what to do.

and then Rafe, She couldn't stop thinking about him, he always stayed in the back of her mine. she was still so saddened from what he had done, but she had begun to like the boy very much and up until that point he made her very happy.

A couple miles away on the other side of the island sat Rafe in his room looking up at the ceiling.

He hadn't slept in many days and circles began to form under his eyes, he was exhausted. He tried to think of why many times and he was always brought back to the same answer, Maybe it was because of his father, or because of the stress of everything happening right now, but he knew even if he didn't want to admit it that it was because of her, Delilah.

Rafe although not wanting to admit it had known the girl meant a lot to him and for some reason he began liking her really fast and really hard.

At this moment he wanted nothing more then to go back and change all the mistakes he had made, so they wouldn't be fighting right now, but what he didn't know was that every mistake he had made led him right to her and she was the only truly good think that came from these mistakes.

Sighing he gets up out of bed and goes into his closet. He didn't know what to wear, he hated everything in his closet, not because they where ugly pieces of clothing, but because he had hated many things every since that day on the tarmac.

Deciding that today he would probably leave the house he throws on a gray shirt with a collar, and some black pants.

He then looks in the mirror pulling his shirt down the rest of the way so his stomach wasn't exposed.
After looks at his face to see the mark that was left there by his father. They had an argument, well Ward turned it into an argument. And there was one sentence that Rafe couldn't get out of his head and it was beating him down, and it made him feel horrible. It was like venom in his mind,

"You saved us Rafe? No Rafe you fucked us, you fucked all of us" he recounts the words his father had said to him many days prior.

Shaking his head he leaves his closet and walks out of his room slamming the door.


Back in the Cut Delilah had gotten dressed and was now sitting in the Kitchen eating her cereal, simply thinking her thoughts taking over,

Delilahs POV

This cereal is soggy what the fuck I think to myself shoving it away.

I begin to tap my fingers on the table creating a rhythm, before my mom walks out of her room surprisingly looking pretty sober.

"Hey Delilah" she says calmly to me as if nothing has happened.

I should play along cause this might not ever happen again.

"Hey mom where are you going?" I question as she heads for the door.

She turns around "I'm gonna go to the store and try to find some men, to hang out with" she says to me winking.

"Ew mom I've heard enough" I say back giggling, for the first time in a while.

My mom just shrugs her shoulders "you only live once" she says before walking out the door.

Lost Together  - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now