cute ig

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  "Where did you want to go again?" George asked looking back and giving me a weird look.

      "Olive Garden." I replied for the 15th time shooting Nick a 'help me' look. He was sitting in the trunk with me. Totally illegal but that's beside the point. Clay was driving since he knew the area and I refused to with George and Karl in the back seat and Alex up front.

    "You dont have and olive garden. Now stop messing with me where are we eating." He bickered. I looked at Nick giving him a slight eye roll before turning to George.

    "Its not an actual garden stupid," I giggled lightly flicking his forehead. "Its an Italian restraunt that serves a bunch of different pasta and shit." I explained.

    "Yeah and they have unlimited salad and bread sticks," Alex added with a large grin.

     "You could've just said so," George pouted rolling his eyes. Clay parked and Alex and him opened the back door. Karl and George hopped out first followed by Nick and I once we got over the backseat.

    "Someone could've just sat on someones lap," Clay suggested.

( a/n Heat waves starts playing while im writing are playlist)

     "Yeah Nick." I giggled.

     "Uh huh," Nick replied rolling his eyes.

     I quickly took George and someone elses hand dragging them into Olive Garden. I didn't care how much Clay made fun of me for it. This was my favorite.

    I turned around seeing Alex, Clay and Nick entering after George and the other persons hand I grabbed being Karl. In the past few hours I had learned a lot about these boys. Karl's love language is touch, he loves it. The back pats and people messing with his hair. The hugs, the cheek and forehead kisses. Everything he loved it. Nick's, no matter how much he didn't want to admit it was touch and gifts as well. I had made bracelets earlier using their favorite colors for each of them. Easy to say that he lit up. It was easy to tell that he liked touch as well. He was just a little more embarrassed about it. I hadn't figured out Alex's yet. He was more difficult. I think it could be touch or spending time with people. Clay on the other hand liked seeing his friends happy, that's what made him the happiest. He liked watching them smile and laugh. He is just overall a visual person. George was a combination of it all; he liked the touch, seeing people laugh and giving and receiving things.

     "Table for six please, and could it be in the back possible?" Clay answered the server who was trying to get my attention.

     I gave her a shy smile as she nodded and led us to a table towards the back upon Clays request. We all took a seat around the table. There was 3 seats on each side so George Karl and I were the first ones there on one side with the other boys om the other.

    "Can I get and drinks or appetizers for you?" She asked pulling out a small note pad and looking down at us.

    "Lemonade please," I asked her looking around at the rest of them that were scanning the appetizers list quickly. "And possibly some salad and bread sticks." I added causing them all to look up and nod.
     "And drinks the rest of you?" She asked again.

     They all ordered a variant of soda and a few minutes later a male waiter brought out our drinks and appetizers.

     "Alex," I said looking up at him, he raised his eyebrows sipping his soda. "I dare you to not tell them to stop when they come with the cheese grater," I said causing giggles to erupt from the table.

     "Deal. But on one condition," He replied looking me.

    "What is it?"

     "We all play the game I want when we get back to Clays house."

     I looked around at the rest of the boys, they all nodded in agreement. "Deal." I agreed and dug into the bread sticks. I could eat these all damn day.

    "Does anybody know what they want?" I asked downing the last bite of my third bread stick.

     "Mhm, The chicken alfredo," Clay nodded tossing his menu to the end of the table.

     "Me too that looks great," Nick agreed handing his menu to Clay who placed it on top of his.

     "There's so many different pastas." George groaned continuing to scan the menu.

      The waiter who gave us our drinks came back asking for our orders.

     We all ordered a variety of pastas except for Alex. Alex got the kids pizza meal with a side of spaghetti.

     We all laughed, joked and stuffed our faces with bread sticks. About 10 minutes later the waiter came back and gave us our food sliding us all a napkin. He grated us all some cheese on our pasta until he got to Alex. I started quietly giggling as he grated the cheese onto the small side of spaghetti. Alex stared right at him as he continued to crank the little machine until the small block of cheese was gone and on Alex's tiny side of spaghetti.

    "Alright- done," Alex smiled at him as he pulled away with an empty cheese machine. He rolled his eyes and told us to have a nice meal while walking away.

    We all dug in eating at a medium pace and enjoying each others company.

    I had gotten pasta sauce on my face and reached for napkin to wipe it off when I noticed 10 blue numbers on the undersode of it with writing underneath it that said, 'call me, ur cute'. I put it down reaching for Georges napkin instead. My smile dropped and I slowly faded out of the conversation not feeling like talking about it. The guys quickly took notice and started asking questions.

    "Whats wrong Wills?" George asked eyeing the napkin.

    I sighed handing it to him knowing that they weren't going to drop it until I explained. He rolled his eyes as he handed the napkin to Karl who passed it around to the rest of them.

    "Cause that's not really creepy." Nick scoffed crumpling the napkin and tossing it on the table. I could feel their eyes all burning into me. They were jealous.

     I could understand Clay and George. Seeing as we were dating but the other guys? Didn't expect it to come that quick. I looked at them all, they were pissed.

    Nobody really talked after that. It was nothing like before when we were all laughing and joking and picking on one another. It was awkward silence though, it was angry silence. It was jealous silence.

    The waited came back and took our plates and the payment without saying a word. Just winking at me. What a creep, he was clearly quite a bit older than me too. Like in his 30s or early 40s.

    We packed up our leftovers and they all started to get up me trailing a foot or two behind them. We walked across the restraunt and we were like 10 feet from the door when I felt something. Someone just grabbed me ass. I imediatley junped towards the guys shouting, "What the fuck you pervert!"

    Nick pulled me back squishing me between him and Alex with Karl and George infront of us. But Clay, where was he? I pushed Karl and George away from eachother, Alex and Nick trying to hold me back when I heard it. 'Crack' Clay broke that disgusting waiters nose.

Word count:1131

Thank you all so much for reading! And this time its not on the wrong story. Sorry about that. Have a good day/night drink some water and eat something if you can. I love and appreciate ALL of you. My dms are always open if you need to vent I always listen! :) <3





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