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You were taken, your body being carried away by two boys. All you were doing was trying to get home or around home and suddenly you were scooped up by two of your classmates.

You kept struggling in their grasp but couldnt really do much as they took you somewhere.

You thought they would let you off today, no one had bothered you since you got into school.

You were brought to an alleyway, Bakugou Katsuki was stood there a smirk on his face as he looked at your panicked state.

"Happy birthday Bakugou!" The boys exclaimed as you were set on the floor. "We wanted to make you a birthday cake."

I bag of flour was lifted above your head and dumped, the powder decorating your hair with white. "First you need floor!"

"Next some eggs!" Two eggs were cracked on your head and hands mixed it with the flour on your head, you began to sob.

"Water isn't an ingredient for a cake." They laughed, making comments about your tears, you never understood why you would always cry, the tears would just come.

A carton of milk was dumped on your head, you were certain this would be the worse smelling of them all.

"Do you like chocolate on your cake or not?" They asked Bakugou, who had been watching this like it was a show.

"I love chocolate cake." He answered, chocolate powder was put on your head, afterwards some softened butter and some baking powder to add to the realism.

"All that's left to do, is bake it. Bakugou want to join in making the cake." They suggested.

Bakugou got off the wall he was leaning on and held your chin, a look of anger on his face as tears fell onto his hand.

"Please don't, I didnt do anything to you." You pleaded, your cries going unheard as his hands began to warm up on your cheeks.


You were left on the floor lightly sobbing, you needed to be home right now but you would be in more trouble if you cane home with your hair looking like that.

You walked around trying to find a public bathroom to clean the mess out of your hair.

Once inside you began to take clumps of stuff out of your hair stopping yourself from crying as women walked in and out of the bathroom.

You were thinking of all the things you could have done to trigger him today. Nothing came to mind, you had spoke to Midoriya who had taunted you when you tried to befriend him, talking about how someone like you could never become close to him.

You thought, seen as you both share the experience of Bakugou bullying you, you could bond on that, but he wanted nothing to do with you.

Once you had gotten the things out of your hair and made yourself look somewhat presentable you went home, trembling as you thought of what your father would say.

You got onto the door step, hesitating to knock on the door as you forgot your keys that morning.

As you lifted your elbow to knocking the door, before your fist made contact with the wood it was opened an angry man stood above you.

"What time do you call this?" He asked rhetorically, you didn't answer of course keeping your eyes on the floor.

He went out of the way allowing you in, you wanted to go up the stairs to your room, you turned your body in the direction.

"Where do you think your going, living room now, we need to talk about your rebellious behaviour." You flinched at his volume, shoulders slumping as you turned your body around walking into the living room.

You sat on one of the couches body stiff and attentive, watching every movement of his body to predict his next move. You were honestly scared, you had no idea what to do but were acting like you did, his movements werw always unpredictable and chaotic

"Did I give permission for you to sit?"

You shot out of the seat moving out of the way for the man to sit down instead, despite the other couches in the room.

"Why were you late?" He asked you saw the fire behind his eyes, how angry he was as he spoke.

"I wanted to study more at the school library." You lied, anything else that was said and wasn't about your grades could get you in more trouble.

"And you couldn't call beforehand?" That's were you were fucked up, if you said you forgot you would be in more trouble, same thing if you said your phone died.

You couldn't think of anything fast enough.

"So your lying to my face," he stood up from his seat, towering over you. "You went out and slagged yourself off to some random guy, is that it?"

You shook your head to terrified to speak up as the guy you called your father, cornered you the a wall.

You were yanked upwards by your hair, yelping as you felt pain from your scalp. "Dont lie to me y/n unless you want to get hurt."

You didnt say anything, just moved your hands towards his to detache it from your hair.

"Now your ignoring me," he let go of your hair, dropping you to the floor, only just to throw you over his shoulder. "Dont worry I know how to deal with spoiled brats like you."

You knew were he was going to be taking you as you struggled in his grip, you hated going down there the furnace made scary noises and you couldn't see anything as it was pitch black, you were sure a few rats lived down there to but you weren't completely sure.

"Dylan im sorry please I dont want to go down there." You cried, finally slipping out of his grasp, you wanted to bolt upstairs, but he caught your arm dragging you instead of carrying you.

"You still won't listen, you're not going to be eating anything today." He yelled throwing you into the basement.

Your ribs came in contact with the floor and hurt like hell.

You started crying softly, trying not to make a sound.

The relationship between the two of you was adoptive, he had adopted you by the age of 3, as a three year old you didnt know the difference between discipline and abuse so couldnt say anything to fight back even though you wouldn't have had a say.

You never knew your parents, but your guessing they left you due to the fact they werent expecting kids.

You couldnt hate them they didnt put you in this situation on purpose.

You sat in darkness, your phone had fell out of your pocket when you were picked up.

"Not like I have anyone to talk to, or social media." You whispered through sniffles.

You had tiktok but that was all aside from a few video games. You sat in silence hoping your dad would unlock the door for your silent behaviour, or mabye he would give you something to eat.

Luckily you had lunch peacefully today as no one had bothered you until after school.

Your sailor uniform was dusty but depending on how Dylan would be feeling you would have to wear it to school tommorow so your not late. Hopefully he opens it early enough for you to change and shower.

You sat against the wall by the door, sleeping off despite the sound of the furnace and gurgles of your stomach.

Can You NotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora