"Leo, I'm going to be fine," I said as I stepped up to him and placed my hands on his arms, "I'm getting the security alarms upgraded, and Peter's on his way here,"

"Oh, so you'll be guarded by Satan in a V-neck, what a comforting thought," Leo said with a scoff and I smiled at his banter,

I looked him in his eyes and I noticed we were the same height, and I wasn't towering over him. But I also noticed, he was now buffer than me, I mean yeah, I had size, but Leo was buff for a high schooler, but then again he's an Alpha. I gained weight and muscle when I became an Alpha, and so did Scott, so I guess he did too.

"I know things are a little weird right now, but just text and call me, if anything happens, anything at all," Leo said to me with a sad smile and I nodded, "You promise?"

"I promise," I said to him softly, he hesitated for a moment before he leaned forward and rested his shoulder against mine, he closed his eyes and inhaled softly, and I watched as a smile crept onto his face, his hand reached mine and he laced our fingers together,

"I love you," he said in faint whisper,

"I love you too," I said back much louder and he laughed at that, and I smiled at his expression,

He pulled away and slowly back up to the loft door, exited, waved at me and closed it behind him.

I waved back and smiled sadly, as I was left alone in the loft. I looked around the exhaled harshly, my home was turned into a battlefield, and it was leaving me with too many battle scars. Then I looked back at the loft door and sighed.

"I should have kissed him," I muttered to myself softly,

Leo's PoV

I pulled into an empty spot and climbed on out my car, grabbed my bag and made my way towards the entrance of the school, pass the seniors and buzzing freshmen. I got the entrance when I felt someone brush pass me.

"The word's excuse," I said making the person stop, he turned to face me and I saw it was a younger student, with a shit eating grin smeared across his face, "Why are you so smiley?"

"Today's lacrosse tryout," he spoke up and I nodded along, waiting for the punchline, "and I'm about to be the first ever freshman captain,"

I broke out into a laugh which gained a few looks from passing students, and the boy frowned at me.

"What's so funny?" he asked, his face now scowling at me,

"You, shortcake," I said with a chuckled, I crossed my arms and looked at him, "Let me clear the air for you, the only person who's going to be captain is Scott McCall or myself,"

"And who are you?" he asked with a scoff, and I leaned forward which made him step back at the closer,

"The name's Leo Prince, what's yours?" I asked him with a raised eyebrows, he swallowed nervously after hearing my name,

"Liam Dunbar," he answered with huff, he blinked before asking, "Are you Thomas Prince's son?"

"So you've heard of me..." I said before extending my arms dramatically, "Fantastic!"

I scoffed before walking around him and heading into the school, but the sound of footsteps made me look over to see the Liam walking beside me.

"Who hasn't heard of you? You're dad's an athletic legend, my stepdad still talks about him, like the play where he outran three defenders, and when he threw the ball so hard he burst the goalie's net, oh and the time when h...." Liam rambled out, I threw him a look and he got really quiet, as realization slowly set upon him," oh, um, I'm sorry for you're lost,"

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