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it has been 2days already. Taehyung hasn't woke up yet from sleep. he took total 12 sleeping pills tho doctors were able to wash his stomach he was still very drowsy. and Jimin has been by his side since then. he didn't go to home for once let alone left the hospital. he stayed here, his PA would come frequently with some food. Jimin hasn't shower nor brushed his teeth this 2days. even tho it was Taehyung who tried to took away his life Jimin looked like a walking corpse. his COO Kim Seokjin came to look for him finally as he was the one handling the company in Jimin's absence.

"Park Jiminshi." Jimin looked up from Taehyung to Jin who just walked in.

"Seokjinshi, what's the matter?"

Seokjin sat on the couch as he made himself comfortable.

"I'm really sorry for what happened with him. but I think you should really take care of yourself too. you look really tired. are you eating well?"

"my PA made sure i take my meal on time. no need to worry. tell me about the company. is there any problem?  or you wouldn't come here."

"yes Jiminshi... the media. they seem to be suspicious. we cannot avoid them anymore. rumours are flying everywhere. we can shut up the media with money but what about the people? our event has been delayed a day. we can't delay it further. or else it will be hard to control this situation. people are already suspicious of yours & Kim Taehyung's relationship. if they know he committed suicide they'd definitely blame you."

Jimin sighed as he heard everything.

"what do you suggest me to do then? I'm clueless myself. How will you run this event without the presence of the brand ambassador? "

"I've thought about this too. even if Taehyung wakes up today it'll at least take him weeks to be totally fine. also we need to be careful about his mental health. so we can't expect anything from him for a while."

"that would be too cruel Jinshi"

"yes. this is why I've come up with a solution. i gave it a lot of thought & came here with the conclusion but... only if you agree of course."

"you truly found a way?" Jimin looked at him with a little bit of hope.

"yes. I'm thinking about running the event without Taehyung."

"but how's this possible? who's gonna endorse our product then?"

"a guest model."

Jimin just looked back at Taehyung's sleeping figure.

"you think I didn't think of this? but do you think there is any model in Korea who is capable to take Taehyung's place? even if only for temporarily? there is no one on his level."

"you are right. but there is a catch. nowadays people like to see their favourite idol in big magazines & endorse brand names. as there is a thin line between the entertainment & modeling industry idols & models often switch their places & both are benefitted. how about we bring an idol to be our guest? I think it'll benefit us all as idols have a steady & big fanbase in Korea & abroad too. also it will distract people from the sudden disappearence of Taehyungshi & we can buy some time. what do you say?"

Jimin gave it a thought after hearing Jin's suggestion & couldn't find any problems. so he nodded his head.

"it's indeed a good idea. but have you thought about whom to persuade? in this short time who would agree? i also do not want my products to be endorsed by just anyone. my workers has put their blood sweet & tears in their work."

"you do not worry. I've someone in my head. he's the most popular idol this age. has endorsed some brands with humanitarian purpose. like those that contributes in society by giving shares to protect animal or child NGOs. and they all were a huge success even tho they were just small companies."

"would it be that easy to convince him then? our company is a pure business company. "

"who would decline the offer of walking the runway for Renensme? they must be a fool. did you forget that your company is the biggest fashion brand in South Korea & also is competing against global fashion brands? it will hugely benefit him both his popularity & dignity. I've already arranged a meeting with his manager. all you have to do is to be present in the event with a pleasant look & do not let anyone catch any suspicion on what is going on in the company."

"I'll be present. do not worry I won't do anything that risks my company's reputation. I've worked heart & soul to be raised to such a position now i won't let it falter."

"okay then I'll take my leave."

Jimin nodded at Jin who gave one last look of sympathy to Taehyung's figure then walked out.

"Taehyung ah... I didn't know you were so dumb. why would you take away your precious life for such an insignificant person like me? am I really worth it to give away your position that you worked so hard for? please be well soon & come back to my company. i promise to treat you better this time. i won't shut you up & listened to everything you want to say to me."

Jimin smiled at Taehyung as he caressed his face.

"ahh seems like I forgot to ask for an important information. who is that idol?"

"Jeon Jungkookshi"

Jungkook looked at his manager who just walked into his gym room Jungkook was working out so he was slightly heavy breathing,  sweats were running down his face as he opened a water bottle to drink some water.

"yes hyung." Jungkook has a good relationship with everyone in the company thus he calls them hyung as all of them are older than him.

"I've something important to tell you"

"yes I'm listening."

"Jungkook ah. you heard about Renesme right?"

Jungkook looked at his manger by the mention of Renesme. who wouldn't know the name of Renesme. and for Jungkook he surely knows about Renesme but more than the company he knows about the company's CEO.
remembering his face his heart started beating faster..... has he finally decided to reach out to me?

"yes hyung. why?" Jungkook looked at his manager with anticipation.

"the COO of the company has given us a call. they want you to be the special guest in their upcoming show & not only that they want you to endorse their cloths as well."

Jungkook looked at him as if he grew some extra heads like hydra.

"m-me? they really asked me to be the guest?"

"why do you sound so surprised? you weren't even surprised when JOV the international clothing brand invited you. and you even declined their offer only cos you have to travel to Italy & that is too much energy draining for you "

"well JOV & Renesme is not the same. I've been using their products from the beginning of their journey. they are special to me" more like their CEO is.

"is that so? ok then shall we accept their proposal?"

"do you even need to ask!? I'd never give up this opportunity even if my life is at risk."

"woah aren't you a little bit too excited?" manager Sehun chuckled at the over grown baby in front of him who couldn't help flashing his bunny smile. manager can imagine him hopping like a bunny too in his mind.

"Jimin... finally I can meet you.... after 10 years. finally my wait is over."

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