Chapter 1. Introducing The Granger-Weasley Family

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Sunlight seeped into the room through the curtains, pouring in through every open space between the fibres of the material. Rose Granger-Weasley sat at the dining room table with her back to the window. Her hair soaked up the golden rays, scintillating in the morning light. Rose's thick, long, copper red tresses came cascading down her shoulders in gorgeous waves, crowning her pale face. She had rosy cheeks and a light dusting of freckles on her nose. The corners of her cornflower blue eyes crinkled as she smiled at her twin brother's joke. The entire family was seated at the table eating breakfast. They were chatting amiably, recalling embarrassing experiences, telling jokes - just like they always did during family meals.

The Granger-Weasley family - which consisted of Rose, her fraternal twin brother Hugo, and their parents Ron and Hermione - lived in a two-storey house of average size, on the edge of a small village near Tilehurst, in Reading. Hugo and Rose had been born in that very same house over eleven years ago - on May 2nd, 2006. Back then, people had still been anxious that the dark wizard Garfantell would unexpectedly come out from hiding and carry out another surprise attack. But for almost twelve long years now - Garfantell had not made a single appearance. He had been scared off by a prophecy that had been made late in 2005, which spoke of an unborn child that would one day wield a wand which possessed the power to defeat the dark wizard. People spoke of little else nowadays. Every single conversation - whether it had initially been about quidditch, or even something as random as kneazles - somehow always changed to the topic of the prophecy: either speculations about what child the prophecy referred to, or rumours about where Garfantell had gone into hiding.

The Granger-Weasley family paused their chatting momentarily so that they could focus on eating. Ron bit into his slice of toast - which was smothered in strawberry jam - and flipped the page of that day's issue of 'The Daily Prophet'. Chewing the morsel of bread that was in his mouth, he scanned the article - which took up the entire page - and gave a discontented grunt. The rest of the family looked up from their plates curiously - what could have vexed him so? Ron shook his head in exasperation by way of response to their silent question. "This child is getting on my last nerve!" He proclaimed. "His face is literally on every other bloody page of every single bloody issue of this bloody newspaper!" Ron grabbed the pile of newspapers positioned on top of the cabinet situated beside him - and one by one, he thrust them in front of their faces. There, on the front cover of each and every one of 'The Daily Prophet' publications, was Albus Severus Potter's photograph. Ron opened his mouth to resume his rant, anger brewing inside of him, bubbling up to the surface, threatening to spew out - when Hermione interrupted him. "Ron," she cut in, "stop it! Just stop it!" Ron, looking rather flustered, opened and closed his mouth a few times in succession like a goldfish, as if to say something, but seemingly unable to form the right words. Hermione glared at her husband, hands on her hips, daring him to say a single word in his defense. "It's not his fault, Ronald! It's not as though he's begging for attention - forcing himself in front of the reporters, thrusting his face before the cameras, pleading for an exposé! We should pity the poor boy, not detest him! You know Albus - he's your nephew for goodness' sake! He isn't one to seek the limelight!"

Ron hung his head in shame, and mumbled something under his breath. He spoke so quietly that his words were practically inaudible to Hermione and Hugo. But Rose, who was seated right next to him, managed to catch his words: "Isn't it enough that everyone is convinced that he is the one who will defeat Garfantell one day?" The young witch raised her eyebrows in bewilderment. What was her father's grudge against her cousin? Why was he so bothered by his fame?

Before she was able to fully comprehend her father's odd behaviour, a red plastic wagon drove into the dining room through the arched doorway which led to the kitchen. Its handle was raised, and it seemed as though an invisible creature were pulling the wagon along into the room. In actual fact, the wagon was steering itself! As if maneuvered by invisible arms, the broom, mop, feather dusters, sponges and rags lying in the wagon, leapt out of the vehicle and began to sweep, mop, scrub and wipe every single surface of the room - until the room was absolutely pristine, with not a speck of dust in sight. Once they had finished cleaning, Hermione clapped her hands and in one swift motion, all of the enchanted household articles simultaneously flew back into the wagon, which then automatically drove itself back into the kitchen. 

Hermione turned to face the rest of the family - "Now, who would fancy a game of Exploding Snap?"

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter series - all credit for creating this amazing universe goes to J. K. Rowling.

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