Chapter 5 : The Anchor

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Location: Level 4, Tartarus

A week... A week has passed since Izuku was sent to Tartarus and in that one week, he learned more about the high security prison than he had learnt in his whole life. 'The worlds most secure prison' not only took prisoners from his country, but also from other countries as well. So it was quite a common sight to see a foreigner in the prison. The green haired boy also learned about the schedule. The day in Asphodel starts at 4AM. You can remain in our confinement all day long but you are expected to be in your space by 11PM and the lights went out at 12AM.

The whole level was divided in five floors namely the bottom floor, Sublevel 1, Sublevel 2, Sublevel 3 and Sublevel 4. Each sublevel had 100 rooms, 50 for women and 50 for men. Izuku didn't dare to spend his week outside his confinement and none of the prisoner seemed bothered by it. A guard would come by to give him his meals. By looks and taste it was not something you would eat, but when considering the nutrition, it did its job. The only time he left his confinement would be early in the morning, when no one was awake. He would rush out, have a quick shower, have a small jog around the courtyard of the floor and as soon as the clock chimes its bell to announce it was six, he would have another quick shower and run back to his room. There were times he would request the guards for books, so that he would fall behind academically and sometimes he would ask for dumbbells and hand strengtheners.

Whoever passed his confinement would either see him bent down on his table, studying hard or exercising the fuck out of himself. But the boy didn't dare to get out of his room. Sometimes he wished that he could have a window to look outside, but at the same time reprimanding himself for thinking of having a window when he was below sea level. But that thought is followed by the thought of having a small but strong glass pane to see outside and see fishes swim gracefully. But that very thought was followed by how the fishes would avoid this prison considering how negative it felt. He didn't do much and he was already feeling depressed. From that specific date, he was not able to sleep peacefully.

But does this isolation mean that people left him alone? Heck no! There were people who pestered him from time to time. There was this girl called Izumi, who is a kleptomaniac, who got caught at wrong place and wrong time. She dropped by his room from time to time, either to give him his lunch or to learn something from Izuku. The viridian haired boy was always quick to notice that whenever she was the one to bring him food there was always something missing. Sometimes it is pork, sometimes it's a fried chicken, but he didn't mind it. The girl was uneducated, and he found great pleasure teaching her education, which she had equal rights too. Her enthusiasm to learn reminded him of Eri and he couldn't help but smile at her. Then Izumi's friend Sachi, was a nothing but a flirt and Sachi's boyfriend Edward was nothing but cool. Both of them got caught by heroes during a bank heist and sometimes you could listen them jokingly plan an imaginary escape from this prison. But what he didn't expect was to see Gentle Criminal and La Brava dropping by his space.

The duo were equally shocked that the rumored new prisoner was in fact Midoriya himself. Gentle knew before but his heart didn't believe it. This boy, who acknowledged him as a worthy opponent, was here in Tartarus!? Not as a hero, but as villain!? Izuku was shocked to see Gentle and his accomplice here. As much as he heard, both of them were sent to not so high security prison. "Why? Why are you here!?" Izuku asks in shock to which Gentle says, "I could ask the same thing about you". Words were exchanged and what Izuku heard not only shocked him, but it made him feel rage for the second time. False promises and hopes and this are how villains who have chance for redemption are treated!? What is with him and rage this day? He would die of embarrassment if he turns into edge-lord. The prison already had one. If this is how this country treats people like him, then he doesn't need such country. Condolences were exchanges and Izuku himself found a friend in Gentle and La Brava, or rather, Tobita Danjuro and Aiba Manami.

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