Chapter 8 : The Stealth Mission

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Time: 12 A.M.

Location: UA High School, Musutafu.

The chilly wind was blowing through the trees. The whole school was asleep, except for few students. Some were studying their asses of for the coming tests, some were just gossiping about their lives, and some were just staying awake for the sake of staying awake. But not Mirio and Fuwa, since they have an important mission on hand.

Mirio stood there in the clearing which Mawata mentioned in the library. He was wearing his normal indoor clothes along with the jacket, since the nights in November tend to get very cold. His face held a grimace as he remembers how Eri acted against her brother's classmates. Well he can't blame her for that. They basically badmouthed her brother and her hero in front of her and for the first time, he saw Eri that angry. Was one six year old capable of that much anger? Mirio would never know. But to see it up front, it was kind of scary. He has been training his butt off and he didn't bother to access OFA yet.

Eri had done quite a lot of progress with her quirk. The latest OFA user was very much shocked to see her progress. It was as if she was a girl on a mission. The amount of lizards that had their tails amputated and restored by Eri's quirk was phenomenal. If the training went with the same pace, Mirio was very sure that he would regain his original quirk by the time he graduates UA and that was not far away. But he had a problem. In order to do better he must hide OFA for now. He has train the cursed quirk in secret and he was not sure how people would react when people see him using two quirks and draw a connection with Nomu or worse, AFO.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, senpai", a familiar voice says and Mirio looks in the direction of the voice to see Mawata come out of the bushes wearing her pajamas and a cute sweater over it. She was also wearing a backpack.

"You look quite prepared for this Heist", Mirio says with a chuckle which with a grin, Mawata replies, "Well I did say to leave everything to me". She then shivers a bit and says, "I have to say this, the night is very cold. I wouldn't be surprised if we get snow. What is the status on Amajiki-senpai, Hado-senpai and Kenranzaki-senpai?"

"Well after we finish our job here, Kenranzaki will meet us near 3-A dorms, from there we have to climb to Tamaki's room. Nejire will be there in his room", Mirio replies as Mawata nods while she digs through her bag. She removes a device with an antenna and an LED screen and she says, "When Kenranzaki-senpai came to know about the plan, she lent a helping hand to Hatsume to finish these devices in time. We have to be careful senpai. If we get caught, our future will end up in jeopardy. Hatsume will never get scouted in future. So we must thread here with caution". "I know very well what is at stake here, Mawata-san". He then looks at her with a grin and says, "Now let's go and prove our junior's innocence".

The girl with a fast beating heart grins back and they start their trek towards Class 1-A dorms. Soon they reach a clearing which was looking over the dorms' backyard. Before Mirio could step out, Mawata stops him and says, "Wait! Let me check", and activates the device in her hand. The antenna pops out and a beeping voice starts to come from the device. After doing this for one minute, the device speaks up saying, "Three cameras detected", and the LED screen lights up and the live footage of the cameras are shown. One camera was looking out at backyard, second one was on the roof looking at the corner and third was at the place but looking at different corner.

"This is some good tech. It would be very useful for stealth missions", Mirio says and the light haired girl says, "Yep. Senpai, while I set up the loop will you get the shoes out of the bag?" The permeation hero-in-training nods and Fuwa presses a button on the device. The device speaks, "Setting up loop... Loop complete... Installing loop". Mirio removes two pair of shoes from the bag and asks, "What are these shoes for?"

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