12 : Beam The Waiter

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"Remember I told you about the night, Grandpa's birthday. This bitch is the one who runs into me and made me spills my drinks. No wonder he looks oddly familiar. Did you know, he was there in Pattaya too. How dare you humiliated me in front of all the people!! Shameless slut." Puen spat out angrily.

She comes to know about the family meetup for Forth's future spouse from her informant in the hotel. There is no way she will let a waiter be Forth's spouse. Nobody can. She wants Forth for herself so she will fight hard to make him hers.

Whatever it takes!

She falls head over heels for him the first time she meets him during Prae's social party. Prae introduces him and she can't get him out of her mind ever since. She befriended Forth's sister and with her help, she had become one of Forth's future wife candidates.

But a lowlife waiter ruins it all!!

A waiter?!!

That's an insult to her to lose to a mere waiter!!

"Did you seduce him with your filthy body?!! Gosh! You chase him in Pattaya too aren't you? Such a lowly creature. Forth baby, do not fall into this slut schemes. Leave him this instant. He's a scam." Puen added while Beam is rolling his eyes back to his skull hearing Puen ridiculous comments about him.

This woman short term memory astounds him. Did she forget the reason why Forth and he ended up meeting each other? Puen is one ignorant, spoiled and rotten to the core woman in his opinion even a mirror failed to help her to reflect on her terrible behaviour.

Meanwhile, Forth's face is red from being furious because Puen is slut-shaming Beam while the other attendees were flabbergast at the sudden new information they got about Forth's lover.

He's a waiter in their hotel?
Did he play dirty to get into Forth's pants?

Are among the questions they had in mind.

Prae shifts her gaze towards Beam and she's surprised by the fact that Puen exposure about his job didn't even falter him. Beam looks steady and untroubled and... certain.

Beam intrigued Prae.

"Wow! Wow! You know just everything about me with that simple collision we had that night but fail to flip through Forth's not so subtle nonacceptance towards you millions of times." Beam sarcastically declared then clapping his hands.

This woman is partially dramatic in his point of view at this moment. She talks before thinking and is shameless.

"You bitch!!" Puen was ready to attack Beam with a slap but Ming was faster to impede the attack by gripping Puen's on her wrist and push her away from Beam. Beam thanks Ming for the help but Phana hardened face is bothering Ming.

Damn! He's in trouble again.

"Hey Gorgeous, did I coax you into this relationship?" Beam raised a question for Forth to answer. Beam has enough of Puen belittling and shaming him in front of Forth's family and gives them a bad first impression.

"Huh? No. I'm the one who is chasing you. I got rejected by him the first time. I chase him to Pattaya too when he was vacationing there." Forth explained and Puen expression changes to pure embarrassment so she turns to Prae for a backup.

Prae is in a mood to play because his brother lover is an interesting person.

"So, you're a waiter? Writing your own Cinderella story here Beam?" Prae interrogated with a smirk. Forth really have no eyes for a partner. That's why their grandpa keeps finding him one. A waiter for his mate? He's not bad looking but his background as a waiter is very dubious.

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