Chapter 5 - The Granny

Start from the beginning

"Okay Mono, you're right... that was probably a mermaid..."

"No, mermaids are meant to be beautiful, that thing is the complete opposite of beautiful..."

Six began to turn around, walking in the other direction as Mono faced her, confused.

"Where are you going?"

"We're going a different way, I'm not getting near that thing."

"You wanna go out there with the leeches again?"

Six stopped dead in her tracks as Seven made a fair point, turning around and sighing.

"Alright, fine. Let's go."

They went one at a time, Mono going first and Six going last. He hopped on a wooden plank that was floating in the water. Balancing himself out, he hopped onto a suitcase, and then a wooden box. 

"This is such a bad idea..."

Six hesitantly followed, cautiously jumping from object to object behind Seven, who was being careless as he tried to race past Mono.


Seven taunted Mono as he passed him, hopping onto a wardrobe and climbing up.

"The heck are you doing?"

"Beating you!"

Seven balanced himself before hopping down, landing on a rubber tire.

"Seven, watch out! You're gonna..."

Seven landed in the water as he underestimated the jump ahead of him in his hurry.



Six covered her mouth, resisting the urge to burst out laughing as Seven resurfaced for air.

"Are you okay, Seven?"

"Oh, I'm fantastic."

He groaned, climbing out of the water and hoisting himself onto a wooden platform. Shaking the water out of his hair, he sat down and lowered his head as his blue clothing was now soaking wet. Six was a giggling mess as she tried her best to hop across the objects without falling into the water herself. Mono felt bad, hopping onto the wooden platform and landing next to Seven. He took off his trenchcoat, wrapping it around the boy who was freezing cold.

"There... hope that helps."


Six landed next to the two, scoffing as Seven stood up, still holding onto Mono trenchcoat.

"Here, you can have this back."

He handed it over to Mono once again.

"Thank you."

Mono slipped it back over his arms as they stepped out into the next room. Six was already peering out into the water, looking for the giant creature they had encountered earlier.

"Do any of you guys see it?"

Mono and Seven peered over the wooden platform with her.

"No... not yet."

They whispered so they didn't draw too much attention. Mono looked up, scanning the room. Three levers were attached to the walls. They were out of their reach since they nearly touched the ceiling, but there was a rope that they could climb that hung down from the ceiling on each of them. On the other side of the room was a metal door that kept them from proceeding, and Mono assumed that the only way to get it open was to get in the water and switch those levers on. 

Forever - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now