Kai snapped out of his thoughts, "Yes that's correct!"

Beomgyu cocked a brow and slightly tilted his head, "That doesn't answer my question at all. Are you feeling okay?"

"It's been a pretty overwhelming day," Soobin answered the question for him, "Patient after patient, y'know? This is Kai's first break of the day."


"How's the wife doing?" Kai asked, changing the subject.

"Yeji is trying to stay as active and involved as she can, but it's been hard for her," Beomgyu admitted, "I can't believe she's already three months in. It blows my mind," he nervously chuckled, "A two year old and a newborn can not be a good combination."

"Good luck with that," Kai smiled at him.

The desk phone started to ring and Soobin picked it up. After a few minutes he hung up the phone, informing the other two boys that a patient needs assistance and that he would be right back.

Once Soobin left, Kai's attention immediately fell back down to Beomgyu's ring. Beomgyu took notice of his action, "Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine I just," Kai let out a long sigh and shrugged his shoulders before looking back up at Beomgyu, "Do you like being married?"

Beomgyu rested his head in one hand and spoke with a soft smile on his face, "Of course I love Yeji and I'm glad I'm able to spend every day with her. Even the ones where we get into screaming arguments and she threatens to cut my dick off, I still love her." Beomgyu began to go on a tangent about his life together with his family and Kai started to space out as he felt jealousy begin to grow inside of him once again. Now that Kai has his career established he's ready to move on to the next chapter of his life; he wants to start a family. He's been together with Soobin for so long now but Soobin hasn't brought up that kind of discussion once. Kai isn't even sure if Soobin wants to take their relationship to the next level.

Kai just nodded every now and then as Beomgyu continued to speak, trying to not show his true feelings to Beomgyu. Eventually Soobin rejoined them but before Soobin could even sit down Beomgyu grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside leaving Kai and Hajoon alone.

"Beomgyu and Soobin going outside to talk alone? I don't know if they are going to make it back alive," Kai looked down at Hajoon who was giggling on his lap, "What is your dad planning?"


Once they were outside, Beomgyu dropped Soobin's hand and looked at him, "He was asking about it again?"

"Asking about what?"

"Marriage you idiot!" Beomgyu rolled his eyes, "He was staring at my ring again too. This is the third time he's done this."

"So?" Soobin asked, confused why Beomgyu felt the need to tell him this information.

"So when are you going to ask him? He's obviously been wanting this for a while now."

"Ask him what?"

Beomgyu threw his hands in frustration, "To marry you!"

"I haven't really thought about it," Soobin admitted.

"Why not?"

"I don't like admitting these kinds of things to you but I'm scared," Soobin shrugged his shoulders, "I mean, you escaped from the gang early on but I didn't. I was one of the more well-known members since my dad was the reigning leader for such a long time. We're safe now but what if one day someone finds me or discovers my identity? Something may happen to me or even worse, something may happen to Kai."

My Antidote - Soobin x HueningKaiWhere stories live. Discover now