Start from the beginning

You sit on the stair and watched the dog played alone by rolling his small body on the floor. Then he noticed you. You saw how his tail wiggle when it saw you sitting. The dog sits on its own. He has black and brown hair and he got his fur cut. He looks like a small bear.

"You're cute, but your damn owner is a bastard." You mumbled. Then the dog jump on you. He didn't even bark at you even though he doesn't know you. You pushed your body a little to suit his body on you.

"Calm down there, little guy." You chuckled softly when he licked your knuckles which you find ticklish. You two get along in just seconds. You keep on poking his stomach and can't resist his cuteness. While you're in the middle of playing with the dog. Rindou woke up to turn the AC in high temperature cause he can sleep comfortably when his room is cold. He laid up his body with the support of his both arms and then reach the remote on the nightstand. He forgot about you that you are at their house.

After he set the AC, he closes his eyes to continue his sleep. He was about to dream when he heard the door of his room open and then close. He puckered and cursed on his head. He really hates it when someone's entering his room without his consent. The door is even locked. He peered over his shoulder, brows are puckering as usual.

"Open the door, Y/n." A grave voice was behind the door. Rindou got up from bed and realized that you're at their house. His mind is only half awake.

"Hey, Y/n. Open the door and let's talk." Rindou sitting from the bed stood up after hearing Hanma's voice behind the door.

"We don't have anything else to talk about." You said bravely. You're curious why he's here. Do Hanma and Rindou friends? You step back a little while Hanma keeps on turning the doorknob even though it's lock.

"Our last talk ended already." You said and turn around to wake up Rindou, but that was a wrong move. Your body slammed on Rindou's muscular body. You're shocked to see him standing behind you.

"Ahm." You stepped back a little and look at him. He wasn't staring at you. His eyes are on the door while he is smirking.

"Why don't you open the door, Y/n?" He cunningly said and was about to reach the doorknob when you stop him by grabbing his calloused hands.

"Stop. You can't do it." You muttered and pushed him away on the door. "I don't want to." You added. Rindou's lips formed into a grim lines and stared down at you.

"You two are disturbing my sleep. Go talk with hi--"

"I don't want to. Is it hard to understand?" You look at him irritated and then walk away from him and went on the glass door for the terrace in his room that's connected to Ran's room.

You peered over your shoulder when Rindou opens the door. You're definitely going home if he let Hanma enter and talk with you. You don't have anything else to talk about him.

"Then wait for me." That was Rindou's last word before he closes the door and went out without even looking at you. Your heart throb when he goes out. What if they're friends? What if Rindou's keep on seeing you because of Hanma?

You felt a pang of pain for that thoughts. You don't like being used by anyone because it will hurt you like hell that it's gonna be hard to forget. You gulp the lump on your throat and went to the bed to sit.

Rindou's POV

(The scene after he leaves you from his room.)

I walk down the stairs and head straightly to the kitchen to get some drinks. As I open the fridge, I saw Rio on the doorframe.

"Ran told you to hurry up. He's about to talk something." I took one lemon on the fridge and head the knife to get one slice.

"I'll just finish this," I uttered and sliced the lemon in half and then I slice it again for another one but I made it a little bit thin. After that, I lead my way to the living room while sucking half of the lemon in my mouth.

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