"How are you going to hire me to do your dirty work and then snitch on me?" she hissed at him, "And now thanks to you two of my friends know about this side of me. Nobody was supposed to know about this except the two of us!"

"Well things change," Beomgyu took a few steps closer and Ryujin and she tightened her grip on the knife, "Is he dead yet?"

Kai tried his best to stay still besides his shaky breath. He couldn't let her know he was scared, but ironically she seemed to be the one that was scared. Beomgyu was also unusually calm about the situation. Kai figured it would be the opposite way around. There must be a lot more to the situation than he knows about.

Ryujin frantically shook her head.

Beomgyu lowered his gaze down to the weapon and back up to Ryujin, "Drop the knife."

"Hell no!" she gritted her teeth, "Not until you pay me for my job!"

"Pay you?" Beomgyu tilted his head, "I ordered you to kill Soobin before Kai got back and you said he's still alive so you failed. Failed missions don't receive payment."

"Don't mess with me!" she threatened, "I'll kill Kai right here and right now if I don't get paid!"

Beomgyu looked at her with pity in his eyes, "No you won't."


"You can't kill people. You couldn't kill Soobin and I know you can't kill Kai either."

She slowly got off of Kai until she was standing, "You're right, but I can kill you."

Without any warning she lunged at Beomgyu. He was quick enough to catch her wrists but there was an obvious struggle. She kneed him in the gut causing him to become weaker and she pinned him to the ground. Ryujin raised the knife above his face and Beomgyu thought he was done for. 

At least he will get to see Taehyun again.

Beomgyu closed his eyes and prepared for the worst when suddenly he heard a loud thump and felt her weight suddenly get off of him. He slowly opened his eyes and say Kai standing there with a heavy duty flashlight. He looked over to his right and saw Ryujin was knocked out cold.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked as he reached a hand out to help Beomgyu up.

Beomgyu accepted the gesture, "You saved me."

"Well I wouldn't want my best friend dying on me now would I?" Kai smiled at him and Beomgyu couldn't help but smile back. Their moment was interrupted by the sound of shuffling. 

Kai turned around to see that Soobin was awake. He dropped the flashlight and ran over to him. He engulfed him into a big hug.

"Ow that hurts," Soobin muttered.

"I'm so happy you're okay!" Kai tugged him even tighter, causing Soobin to hiss in pain, "I was so worried about you! I should listen to you more when you say something is weird!"

"Yeah you should," Soobin looked over and saw Beomgyu standing on the other side of the room, "What is he doing here?"

"He helped save you."

"He tried to get me killed."

"Well yeah," Kai nervously laughed, "but things changed and we would both be dead right now if it wasn't for him."

"I'd hate to ruin the moment but we should really get out of here before she wakes back up," Beomgyu said.

Kai nodded and untied Soobin before helping him down the stairs. The eventually made it back to their house, making sure all of the doors and windows were locked this time. 

Soobin was resting on the couch while Kai patched up his injuries. Beomgyu sat on the very opposite end of the couch drinking some green tea that Kai had made for him.

"Chungho," Soobin spoke up. Beomgyu eyed him but didn't say anything. "Why did you do this?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter?" Soobin looked at him in disbelief, "You tried to kill me for Christ's sake! Not only that but you had a change of heart and decided to play hero and save me? You better start talking if you don't want me to beat your ass once Kai is done fixing me up!"

"Soobin," Kai frowned at him.

"What? I deserve to know!"

"I'm sorry," Beomgyu placed his cup on the coffee table before standing up.

"Excuse me?" 

"I'm sorry for trying to kill you," Beomgyu repeated, "But that's all you're going to get out of me. If you want to accept that apology or not it's up to you but I can promise," Beomgyu looked at Kai for a split second, "I won't do anything like that again."

Soobin couldn't believe what he was hearing, "You think you can just do all of this and get away without any consequences?"

"Of course not," Beomgyu admitted, "I'm already suffering because of everything that has happened and I've hurt multiple people that I cared about."

"I don't care about you," Soobin retorted.

Beomgyu smirked, "Good thing I wasn't referring to you."

"Beomgyu," Kai whined as he saw the older boy head for the door, "Where are you going?"

"I need to find Yeji," he admitted, "I'll see you guys later." He didn't bother waiting for a response and left.

Soobin was muttering some nasty things under his breath but Kai stopped him by placing a soft kiss on his lips. 

"It's okay it's over now," Kai spoke after he pulled away, "I'm so happy you're still alive."

Soobin gestured for Kai to sit on his lap and the younger boy did as he was told. Soobin helped support him by placing the hands on the small of his back. Kai nuzzled his face into the crook of Soobin's neck and they just sat there. They sat there and cuddled for hours, neither of them saying a word and just enjoying each other's presence. The two boys remained like this until they both fell asleep.



Sorry this chapter is on the shorter side again but I still hope it was a good read!

Let me know your thoughts, opinions, and everything else down below! I love hearing your guys' feedback and y'all are my number one motivators!

And as always, thank you so much for reading :)

My Antidote - Soobin x HueningKaiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum