That was definitely the same Beomgyu Kai knew but Kai recently learnt he didn't know as much about Beomgyu as he thought he did, so he pretended to not know him to see what else he could find out.

"Believe it or not," she looked around the room to make sure nobody else was listening, "I dated him. Can you believe it? I actually dated a man."

Kai chuckled, "There's no way."

"He was actually my first relationship. We began dating in seventh grade and lasted until the middle of our senior year of high school," Yeji fiddled with her fingers, "Four and a half years we were together."

Kai never knew of any of Beomgyu's exes. He tended to keep his love life a secret from Kai. Whenever he would bring it up Beomgyu would always shoot him down.

"What happened if you don't mind me asking?" Kai took another sip of his drink."

"Well things we're really well until our junior year. We were those lovebirds that everyone wanted to be but people didn't see how bad things were getting. People were shocked when we split," Yeji rolled her eyes, "He started to go out and partying on the weekends. He would come home drunk almost every time and then he would start drinking throughout the week. The coolest guy I've ever met became a fucking alcoholic. Isn't that pathetic? And it got worse. Some days I'd find drugs in his bag or I'd smell different cologne or perfume on him that wasn't either of ours," she scoffed, "Some night he would even come home with hickies on his neck and he didn't even bother hiding it. It's like he didn't care."

"I'm so sorry," Kai said feeling genuine pity for the girl. He never imagined Beomgyu to be the type. He was so lively and happy most of the time.

"That's not even the worst part!" Yeji was really getting into the story, "The night I dumped him, he came to my house drunk again and you wanna know what he told me?"


"That he still had feelings for his childhood crush back at home! You know how many years ago that was? Like in what first, second grade? We were about to graduate high school for crying out loud!" Yeji shook her head, "That man has a sad sad life," she paused for a moment, "I'm sorry I'm supposed to be telling you about how there's so many cool people around here not about why I hate men so much."

"Is Beomgyu why you hate men?" Kai tilted his head.

Yeji nodded her head, "But I swear there's really cool people that won't crush your heart like that."

"I believe you," Kai smiled, "I mean I've already met you and you're really cool."

"Huh?" Yeji looked at him bewildered, "All I ever do is call you gross for being a man."

"I mean yeah you do do that," Kai laughed, "But you're really fun to talk to and you helped me out on the train."

"Thanks," a small smile appeared on her face, "You're pretty cool for a man too."

The pair continued to chat over random things here and there until a car pulled up. Yeji groaned and went back behind the counter only for Ryujin to walk in. She ran up and hugged her friend who was hesitant to return the action. The two began to talk amongst themselves and Kai didn't bother listening in because that would be rude.


He tried not to listen in but a certain like Yeji said caught his attention.

"You've been acting really strange lately are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm sorry," Ryujin apologized, "I've just been really tired lately."

"Ah I gotcha. We can always hold off on the party tonight if you wanted to get some sleep."

My Antidote - Soobin x HueningKaiWhere stories live. Discover now