Postpartum Depression

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"Are we really doing this?"


"But why must I do it?"

"Well, because you're the one who called and insulted the lizard in the first place, so it's natural that you are the one to fix it so my baby can go back to conquering Sobr."

Purple grumbled in a low voice. He hated to admit it, but his co-ruler had a very good point. He was the one to call and insult the Shuryo, so he was the one who had to apologize to him if they wanted any chances of stopping the war. Purple usually would never stoop that low; he had a reputation to maintain, after all. But they were talking about Ilk's mission and safety, so he begrudgingly agreed to call the Shuryo and... apologize for the misunderstanding.

Then again, perhaps the old lizard would aim his anger at Mizorant. She was the one who sent the attack unto another planet's flagship without his knowledge for personal revenge, and as far as Purple knew that counts as 'dishonorable' according to the Sobrekt's honor codes.

In part, he could understand why the Shuryo had been so mad, though. Nobody likes to be accused of a crime they didn't even know about, after all. But back then he didn't know it was all orchestrated by Mizorant to get back at him for what he indirectly did to her family, and to her. As much it twisted his squeedly-spooch to acknowledge it... he could understand her anger too now that he was a father himself. Purple, too, would go to great lengths, even start a war with a rival empire, to get revenge on whoever brought harm to his family.

"Fiiiine, but only because I want Ilkie to keep her head on her shoulders." He whined.

Red glanced towards the screen in the main lounge. "Computer, send a transmission to the Shuryo."

Purple took a deep breath as the Tallest Tower's AI did as told, thinking carefully of what he was going to tell the Shuryo when he took the call. Hopefully, he wouldn't and he could keep his ego intact for a little longer-

"Well, look who it is." Damn it.

"Greetings, Shuryo." Red began calmly. "I hope you're having a nice day."

"Well, I was until you two called me.." The Shuryo growled, crossing his legs on his throne, tail twitching. "What do you want?"

"I know that my co-ruler here," Purple felt Red's glare on top of him. "Disrespected you a few months ago after... Well, you probably know what happened." Purple was grateful that Red didn't rub salt over the sound.

"You mean when he called me to insult me out of the blue for no reason just because whoever attacked your flagship was of my kind? That's quite hard to forget, you know." Shuryo hissed.

"Well, if you must know, liz-" Purple bit his tongue before he could call him 'lizard' again. He's supposed to make amends, not make things worse. "The person behind the attack, and the war, kidnapped me and my wife not long ago, and she revealed herself as the mastermind behind all of this! Does the name Mizorant ring a bell?"

"Mizorant...?" the lizard rubbed his chin. "That sounds familiar..."

"Sir, if I may," a younger Sobrekt next to the Shuryo raised his hand timidly. "There was a Mizorant Clan living on the colony planet Zetronok at the time of its invasion by the Irken Empire. According to the data, they all perished."

"Well, your data is clearly wrong, because there's still a living, breathing Mizorant out there, out to get me." Purple snapped. "She made her intentions very clear. She wants to have revenge on me because she blames me for the death of her mate and kids!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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