The Art of Seduction... Not

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If her life used to be hard, now it was completely unbearable. True to his word word, Tallest Purple confined her to the Tallest's living area; the computer wouldn't allow her to leave no matter what commands she tried to use. Additionally, all the weapons in her PAK got removed so she wouldn't be able to create any 'alternative exits,' as Tallest Purple had put it; her food was sent up through the chute she had used to sneak Rouge out during the Sobrekt attack; one time when Tallest Red came to pick something up, Tenn tried to escape, but she hadn't taken into account that Tallest Purple was no idiot; he had installed a bio scan security system on the door that paralyzed as soon as she stepped out of the room. After this, she realized that she was trapped in there.

So Tenn found herself stuck in the lounge with nothing but Netflix and Irkflik to kill time. Eventually even that got boring, though, so she had to look for other ways to spend the time; sadly, her access to the Irkpad's features was currently restricted, so she tried looking for something else; admittedly, throwing darts at a picture of Tallest Purple was a bit satisfying for some time, especially when she saw his face as he got home and found it stuck on the wall.

But the worst thing of all was that Tallest Purple didn't only keep his word on the confinement. The next morning after her blunder, she quickly checked her PAK ID on the datapad and found that her job status got changed from Invader to Service Drone; her name was no longer in the Top Invaders list, and the credit for her planet got passed to Larb. Larb! It was a severe blow on her pride, and she found herself smashing a chair into pieces. She could see his ugly face sneering at her, taking all the praise for her work.

Lena kept her company most of the time and tried to make her feel better; it was mostly from her that Tenn learned of what transpired in the outside world. It seems like Ilk's target planet list was accurate: the lizards launched a full-scale attack on Foodcourtia in an attempt to cut off the Massive's snack supply. Thankfully, the defense reinforcing paid off as they repelled the Sobrekt; The reinforcements sent, about fifteen percent of the Armada, suffered heavy casualties, but it was worth it. 

She had just finished watching the latest season of Grey's Anatomy when the doors opened again. "Is everything alright, Tenn?"

"I'm fine, Lena." Tenn lied. The truth was that being locked in here was driving her wholly and utterly nuts. "How's everything out there?"

"Red and Purple threw a party in the bridge after they were informed that our forces successfully defended Foodcourtia and managed to capture one of the hybrekts Ilk talked about; alive."

That piqued her interest. "Which one?"

"I'm not sure; all the Commander said was that it's big and black," Lena explained. "Anyway, Red invited Ilk to have a celebratory meal on Foodcourtia while Purple stays on the bridge. I wanted to ask you if you could look after Rouge."

Tenn sighed. "Sure, why not? At least that will give me something to do other than watching Earthen movies. Besides, it's been a while since you saw your daughter in person. You should go."

Lena nodded gratefully and carefully took her smeet out of her pouch, placing him on Tenn's expecting hands. Curiously, Rouge didn't whimper or wail when his mama went out of sight; instead, he was nibbling onto a small scrolled up piece of paper. Where did he get it? It's hard to find on the Massive nowadays, as no one used paper anymore.

"Here, Rouge, give me that. It's bad for your... your teeth." She expected a fight on his part, but she managed to take the little scroll out of his grasp and distract him with a rattle. 

Hey, there's something written in it. The letters were a bit flurry from Rouge's saliva, but it was still legible. Tenn twitched her lekku curiously: should she read it? What if it was private? Oh, well; it's not like anyone would scold her for this. She unrolled the mini scroll.

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