Broken Down

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The words echoed in his brain.

Who do you think sent those attackers unto the Massive?

His surroundings disappeared as the information sunk in. Waves of memories returned like waves crashing against the cliffs.

My Tallest, something has happened-! Your chambers-! Lady Tenn-!


During her fight against the Berserker, she was hit in the abdomen and thrown against the wall.

Purple... Tenn miscarried.

His vision went red as the reminder of his loss shook him to the core, making his blood boil as he stared at Mizorant, the one who had killed his unborn smeet.

Tenn jumped, startled when Purple suddenly tried to lunge forward with a loud shriek. His lekku were straight and pointing forward, and the fire in his eyes was burning hotter than an inferno. The only thing preventing him from attacking Mizorant were the two Sobrekt restraining him.

Tenn felt a shiver down her spine as she watched her husband pull against his captors, shouting threats and hisses at the croc. She had never seen him this angry, not even when he confronted her back on Earth.

"Oops, looks like I hit a sore spot, didn't I?" Mizorant smirked. "Good."

"DAMN YOU, LIZARD! I SWEAR WHEN I PUT MY HANDS ON YOU-!" Purple was cut off as the muzzle was put back on, muffling whatever came out of his mouth.

"Take the Tallest to his suite," Mizorant fixed her eyes on Tenn. The former Invader couldn't help but wince as she felt the golden eyes on top of her. A moment later, Mizorant snorted. "As for her, I'd like to have a private word."

The two guards dragged Purple away even as he pulled against them, his muffled words and cries disappearing down the hall.

Tenn glared at Mizorant as the Sobrekt stopped in front of her. "I'm not afraid of you, lizard."

"That's pretty evident. Your whole body language irradiates confidence despite your current situation. It's impressive, considering that I'm far taller, and your kind tends to cower before taller people."

"Not when they're filthy aliens."

"You should watch your tongue, Irken, or you might lose it!" Lard Nar snickered.

Tenn didn't dignify the Vortian with a glance. What a coward, only acting tough when hiding behind the Sobrekt.

"That's no way to treat a lady, Lard Nar," Mizorant chided. "Especially not a future mother."

Tenn paled. "I don't know what you're talking about..." she stuttered. All eyes were on her now, however.

"Trust me, honey, I can tell by just looking at you. I too carried eggs once..."

"Wait a sec, you mean...?"

"Ooh, it looks like the Tallest will be a dad!"

"Do you all know what this means? Our leverage is even bigger than we thought!"

Ignoring the Resisty, Tenn looked up at Mizorant with a defiant frown.

"So what? You're going to get back at Purple for your loss by killing his unborn child?"

"Who do you take me for, Irken? While I do admit that the temptation is high, my people are against harming pregnant women. Besides, I'd never wish my experience on another," for a brief moment, Mizorant's eyes seemed to reflect a deep sadness. "When you lose a child, it takes a part of you and leaves a hole in your heart that will never be full again."

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