Love at First Sight... Sort of

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The next few days were utterly miserable. The smeeting behaviors started to kick in soon after their capture, most notably the strange need to hide in a dark place. The closest thing the Invader could find was Purple's cloak, but it wasn't very comfortable; whenever she stayed outside her hideout for longer than two minutes, Tenn felt intense anxiety that drove her back into hiding.

"Is this normal?" She found herself asking.

"Yeah. Lena spent most of her time inside a pillow fort when she was pregnant. It's a sort of nesting behavior: she even gave birth there!" Purple explained.

On the bright side (sort of), her relationship with Purple improved considerably. The more they talked, the more she warmed up to him. She hated to admit it, but she liked this casual side of him who treated her more like a friend and less like a trophy. 

"Feeding time, your Tallest." The tray of food was, once again, carelessly slid through the plasma barrier. Purple examined its contents with a deep frown.

"Let me guess: half-cooked meat again?"

"Yes. The lizards have an awful taste." Purple murmured

At least their meals were somewhat decent and served in bigger rations than the other prisoners', from what Tenn could see. Thankfully, Purple turned out to have a whole secret compartment filled with his limited edition snacks. And they were tasty! On this occasion, he gave her some of the brownies with s'mores filling from Earth.

"How can you fit so many snacks in there?" Tenn found herself asking curiously.

"It's a secret," Purple said, winking playfully.

Their meal was interrupted by three Sobrekt guards deactivating their cell's plasma wall. One glanced at Tenn.

"You, come with us," Tenn responded by hiding further into the cloak. 

Purple protectively stood between her and the Sobrekt despite the number and ize disadvantage. "My wife is in no condition to 'go with you,' lizards." 

"What? She broke a leg or something?" the second guard sneered.

"In case you peabrains don't know, which must be the case, pregnant Irkenettes must stay inside their dens during the whole process to stay physically and psychologically healthy," Purple said hardly.

"You better shut your trap unless you want to get a muzzle again, Irken."

"You'll only lay a hand on my wife by going through me, lizards."

The Sobrekt bared their teeth, but a kryvtor officer blocked their path with his arm before they could step in and pummel Purple; he hurriedly whispered something to them, and this seemed to placate them for the time being. Exchanging odd looks, the Sobrekt disappeared from sight. Tenn glanced at him curiously. His scales were gray and he had a bright blue feather crest.

"You're lucky that Captain Mizorant ordered me to make sure your mate is in perfect health, your Tallest." the kryvtor said, intrigued. She couldn't deny that he looked impressed by Purple's protective (and stupid) gesture.

"What did they want with me, anyway?" Tenn asked, taking a peek from under the cloak.

"As I just said, we have to make sure you're healthy, and that means you need to be checked by a medic."

"You're nuts if I think I'm letting the butchers you have the nerve to call doctors lay a hand on her." Purple hissed.

The kryvtor rolled his orange-gold eyes. "You'd rather let your mate and smeet get sick, then?"

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