"I don't understand why we were drawn to each other even if she hates me and I hate her. I had made her cry a few times yet she always forgives me. She likes calling me by my name and I liked the sound of her voice saying it. She eat too many sweets, she plays the piano, she's so kind and happy, and I'm annoyed by her."

Seiichi and Tokiya just looked at each other while Takumi got a phone call from his sister Arisu. "And where's the problem in it?" Tokiya asked.

"EVERYTHING! Her existence is my problem! Tsukishiro should've stayed in London instead of bothering me here!"

"Oh, so she's from London..." The two old guys glanced at each other again. "The problem is, you won't admit to yourself that you're in love with her."

"I'm not in love with her."

"Yes you are. You know you're in love with her, you're just denying it to yourself." Seiichi smiled. Takumi went back to his seat. "What did I missed?"

"Seiran's in love."

"I said I'm not in love!" he insisted.


"If you weren't in love boy, why does her existence became your problem?" Tokiya asked. "Because you can't keep her off your head." Seiichi answered his friend's question and the two did a high five.

"You said you were drawn to each other."

"You know, it's harder to pretend you don't love her when you actually do."

"Tell me Seiran, are your feelings mutual?"

Seiran gave himself a minute to think about it. Is it mutual?

He heard her speak in his head.

Seiran, do you like me?

He remembered how she cried when he said cruel words to her.

Did she cry because I hurted her?

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Why don't you find it out?"

"I'm afraid."

"Why?" The old wise men answered in chorus. Takumi just watched and listened as the three talked.

"Because I hurted her. I told her I don't like her. I know Aki and Ren were both in love with her and that the guy she likes was in love with her, too."


"I don't know what to do. I'm not sure about my feelings."

"You never asked her how she felt about you? What if she loves you?"

"I... Don't know. All I know is I don't want to hurt Aki's feelings."

"Even if you're hurting yourself? Even if she's hurt, too?" Seiran stopped at their words. Possibilities came running to his head. A single what if question emerged in him.

What if she loves me?

"Listen boys. Oi Takumi, are you listening?"

"Yes sir!"

Seiichi glanced to Tokiya as if they were talking through telepathy. Tokiya smiled. "I'll start the lecture then.

"Think about this. You said your girl is popular. How many guys would like to be with her right now?"

Seiran and Takumi made a mental counting of their possible rivals to Bridgette and Haruni.

"How many guys do you think are in loved with her smile?" Both guys blushed as they imagined Bridgette and Haruni smiled.

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