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(a/n: I've been struggling recently, so I'm sorry I haven't been updating or as active :/ I aM however writing a NEW book, one I think you will all quite enjoy. When I'm confident I have a steady plot line and won't ditch it, I'll upload it to Wattpad. So you have that to look forward to! Stay safe. Love you pussies <3

The book will probably be titled Bounty. If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen a few hints and spoilers posted on my story hehe)

Chapter Thirty-Three

"I must say, I know you're my son, but you've managed to fuck up more than I'd ever thought you could."

Mykel didn't bother to raise his head, letting it rest over the back of the chair. He recognized the voice and that was all he needed to know who was speaking.

His father.

"I'm to assume that's a compliment?" Mykel questioned tiredly, voice hoarse and raw from earlier activities. Aziel moved farther into the room, polished shoes sliding smoothly across the ground. Their eyes met at a distance.

Aziel offered a raw smile. A smile that was true. "Yes, son. And I'm actually here to speak to you. It's a matter of urgency."

"If it's not news on Garcia, I don't care," Mykel replied flatly. "I've been looking everywhere for him. Well, my men have." The man shrugged sheepishly. "I've got things to do, booze to drink."

"A girl to fuck?"

Mykel shot up in his seat with a glare at Aziel's crude words. "You saw her come out, didn't you?"

Aziel meandered towards the counter Mykel had been with Rannia on not moments before, eyes falling on the bloody towel. "I met her in passing."

"I'm going to be honest." Mykel leaned an elbow on the armrest and rested his temple along two fingers. "Stay away from that girl, Aziel."

Aziel turned and leaned against the counter edge, crossing his arms. "That Rannia girl? She's quite the character you've found."

Mykel paused and stroked his chin lightly in thought, eyes staring at empty nothing. "She is, isn't she."

"Would you like some advice? From me to you, that is," Aziel asked.

"Preferably not. I don't trust you for shit," Mykel replied.

Aziel laughed. It was a dark laugh, a booming one. The sound was eerily familiar to Mykel. If he was being honest with himself, that laugh sounded like his own.

"I understand I haven't been in your life at all. I can't be, never can. I'm visiting for a day or two, but I have a purpose to return to." Aziel's jaw ticked uncomfortably as if the reminder of it tempted him. But he remained before his son, one of many. "I've never done this before...met one of my kin after birth. I always leave and go on to the next. But Romina, your mother, she is a prey I will never forget."

"Prey?" Mykel questioned. Aziel was insane, no doubt. It made sense. A man that left his pregnant girlfriend with nothing at all couldn't very well be a functioning man, let alone a sane one. But to refer to his mom as prey? That wasn't okay. That wasn't going to fucking pass.

"That's what she was to me." Aziel hesitated, rethinking his words. "Is."

Mykel's face remained stoic. "You're hilarious."

Aziel cocked his head to the side. "You don't like me calling your mother that, why?"

"Oh, I don't know. It's condescending, you fucking asshole," Mykel replied grumpily.

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