= ǝʌlǝʍ⊥ ʇɹɐԀ =

79 5 4

Summary: hell has taken its toll on (y/n) as she runs back to where they first began in hope of rectifying herself

Warnings: Injury detail, cursing and angst (like this is a little fucked up)

Word count: 1085


"No (y/n)! are you crazy? we need to keep moving forward!" Armin yelled. "We're more than half a mile underground. By the time you and I lift him out of here, he'll be dead." I snapped, picking up my bag "And I'm not going to let that happen." I added with my back turned towards him.

"I'll be back I promise" I said, looking over my shoulder at them before setting off to return the stone. my heart was beating out my chest as I ran towards the room we had passed to get there, the chair was still there but it was now empty.

though this gave me no relief, now he could be anywhere. next I ran into the room where Mikasa had been sucked into the earth and she was still there, I felt a sob escape my lips as I passed her.

at the other end of the corridor I saw something, that stopped me in my tracks, was it LA Taupe?. I felt my stomach drop. I then heard a voice behind me "(y/n)..?"

I spun around to find my father right behind me, But something was wrong with him. His legs were like tree trunks grown into the floor and His hands were like brittle twigs with blood dripping off them.

I jumped away and fell down to the floor "dad?!" I cried, tears flowing down my cheeks. I scrambled away, still on the floor only to bump into something behind me. I spun back around to see my father there too.

because I had bumped into him one off one of his twigs had broken off, causing him to howl in pain. "no! what have you done!" he screamed

I backed away from the sight horrified but again I bumped into something behind me. my father was there too. "You look just like my daughter." He said in a raspy voice.

"It is me dad.." I answered barley above a whisper. "No! You're not her! She would never come here! She would know. If she ever came here, there would be no way out. She'd be trapped here. Forever!" He yelled, his face twisted into rage.

I stood up and ran away as fast as I could choking back sobs as I crossed the threshold into the next room, I bumped into my father again. "Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever!" His voice took on a shrill screeching quality. Like a bad dream in which a loved one suddenly seems possessed.

I kept moving, but this place was really taking a toll on me, the only thing that kept me going was Levi. I reached the bone chamber and I shuffled through as quick as I could.

as I reached the end. I saw my Father, in this room too. The multiple voices of my Father doubled, tripling, into a cacophony of agony. "EVER! EVER ! EVER!"

but I kept on going and rushed into the next alcove near the chimney chute, sobbing and screaming heavily.

This was the loneliest moment of my life.

my father continued to squall in the background as I made my way towards the chimney chute where Sasha and Eren Lay but I had no time to sit and mourn

I couldn't reach the opening well enough to get footing so I kicked off my shoes to get better traction, I took a running start, jumped up and grabbed hold of the rock wall. I struggled to make my way up the first couple feet but I steadied myself.

I was now quite high up into the chimney chute without ropes to protect me, one false move would send me plummeting to my death as if on que my foot slipped and I almost fell.

I took a couple deep shaky breaths "You can do this. Don't think. Just keep going." I muttered to myself

I made it to the top of the chimney chute, but getting out of the circular hole wasn't going to be easy. I had to carefully position myself as I inched up onto solid ground beside the hole.

I ran through the bloody water as fast as I could, trying to make up for lost time in the chimney chute but an arm reached up from under the blood and grabbed my leg.

I jumped at the feeling and pulled against it but another hand reached up, then another and another, grabbing me from every direction, pulling me under the bloody water.

I fought against the arms pulling me in every which way, struggling to stay above the surface but I then managed to plant a foot on a stone ledge and pushed with all my might.

I broke through, now covered head to toe in blood I ripped my way free from the grabbing arms. I stood up still trying to catch my breath, overwhelmed and freaked out.

I rushed through the small tight tunnel that led to the Rose Chamber, when I reached the end of the tunnel I looked around, and saw there was nothing here, I was all safe but I was wrong.

there were people buried up to their faces on the floor, much like the one that bit Levi but they looked more human than rock. their eyes were filled with horror and fear as they watched me. Other heads had nothing but their mouths showing,

They tried to bite me as I passed, I done my best to avoid the faces, but I sustained a series of bites on the way, drawing blood.

I dived into the blood water at the end to swim back into the alchemy chamber

as raised up on the other side what once looked so opulent and breathtaking in its beauty, now looked evil, depressing and lonely.

"By Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone." I whispered pulling out the rock as I scoured the Egyptian images, looking for the eye of Ra I had originally took the stone from.

I found the eye and slid the stone back into where it belonged, It clicked right into place. A perfect fit. "Okay, I've rectified. Now, where's..." I Looked down, to find a mirror right in front of my face. "... the hidden stone."

I understood something I hadn't before.

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