= uǝʌǝlƎ ʇɹɐԀ =

82 5 1

Summary: They lose yet another friend to the evil of hell and run into the king of darkness himself but after a devastating event (y/n) must consider running through hell and back

Warnings: Death, injury detail, cursing, angst and slight fluff

Word count: 1012


we all moved very close together, getting more unnerved and scared. The screams became more and more present as we approached the source. The light in the corridor looked different, as if lit by fire light.

we turned the corner to find a car in flames, there was a family inside screaming mercilessly reaching out to us, Mikasa was first to run over and try help "Mikasa! don't!" I yelled trying to pull her back

in a flash one of the burning men got hold of one of her arms. she started struggling against him, trying to pull away. "HELP ME!" she screamed, reaching out to us with her other hand

we all grabbed her and pulled with all our might but it was no use. The ground beneath the car began to crack and the car then collapsed into the ground as the burned man grabbed Mikasa's hair

The ground swallowed up the burning car and Mikasa along with it, but the ground closed at Mikasa's knees, leaving her lower legs sticking out of the ground, flailing in pain as the sounds of her singed flesh and agonized screams came from below. we rushed to her side, trying in vain to pull her back out of the ground but her flesh burned us to the touch

Armin fell to his knees and sobbed, I stood there beside him crying as well. I then felt Levi nudge me and he shakily pointed towards a figure hovering in the shadows at the edge of the corridor where we just came from.

Armin scrambled to his feet and we all ran into the next corridor. we continued to run down the hallway and paused for a moment, shining our light the rest of the way down the hall to see a cloaked figure walk by.

I placed a hand over my mouth to suppress the urge scream, Levi grabbed my hand and we ran into another hall across from us but we came to a dead end, meaning we had no other choice than to go back the way we came and procced down that hallway.

We all stopped and looked at each other with terror, my breathing was erratic as I stood there trembling, Levi hugged me and kissed my forehead "no matter what happens, just know that I love you (y/n)" he said

my eyes then widened slightly as he placed his lips on mine, I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed back, it was short and bittersweet. "I-I Love you too" I replied, resting my forehead against his.

"Okay we need to go" Armin interrupted, drawing our attention back to the situation we were in. We turned the corner back into the hall we were in and wearily walked down towards where we saw the figure.

to our relief it was gone, but it didn't last long as we walked into the next room, there it was, sitting with its back towards us, in an old styled wooden chair still wearing the cloak with it's hood up.

we walked side by side with our backs facing the wall but I heard muffled moaning and screaming coming from behind us, I turned to see what looked like people made of stone, stuck to the wall, my breath hitched in my throat, I grabbed Levi's hand and he grabbed Armin's as we ran into the next hall.

I repeatedly looked over my shoulder at the cloaked man until he stood up, I momentarily stopped in my tracks, it turned to look at me and within my soul I knew it was the devil himself, his eyes bore into mine as he pulled his hood down, revealing a distorted goat face, it shook me to my very core

I screamed but Levi placed his hand over my mouth and stepped wearily backwards, before I even knew what happened one of the stone figures broke free from the wall, pulled him away from me and bit a chunk out of Levi's neck.

He dropped to his knees, bleeding uncontrollably, I growled and kicked the figure backwards causing it to shatter as it hit the ground. both me and Armin grabbed his arms and pulled him into the next room.

I fell to the ground shaking as I desperately tried to stop the bleeding. "NO! NO!" I cried in devastation

"Come here! Put your hand here and Keep pressure!" I told Armin as I grabbed his hand and pulled him down beside me, I ripped into my bag and puled out the Philosopher's Stone. I crumbled some of it off then rubbed it into his wound. I watched and waited desperately but nothing happened.

"It doesn't work?!" I yelled, but then Levi Muttered something. "What? What was that?" I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"vitriol.." he muttered, barley audible

"vitriol" I said looking at Armin, we both knew what he meant. "Visit the Interior p-parts of the Earth, by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone." Armin stammered.

"This isn't the right stone. I have to rectify the taking of it. Only through putting it back will I find the real hidden stone." I said, looking down at Levi with realization, I stood back up and looked around the dark creepy chamber

"oh fuck" I whispered. I looked back down at Levi again and contemplated on what to do.

"I'm going back."

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