= ǝǝɹɥʇ ʇɹɐd =

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summary: the tension gets a little high as they search for La Taupe, both (y/n) and Mikasa snaps under the circumstances after it all blows over Levi and (y/n) to have a moment of  bitter angst

warnings: cursing, angst and drug use

word count: 1055


I looked around the catacombs, this was much rougher than the official tourist area, but in its own way, much more beautiful. Paintings and graffiti on the walls give it an urban, cool vibe. "this is beautiful" I mumbled.

"There are over 200 miles of tunnels. Your suggesting we wander them aimlessly until we find your 'treasure'?" Connie asked skeptically. "I know where we're going" I said firmly.

after about ten minutes of walking I pulled out my map. "Wait! We're going in the wrong direction. We need to be going that way." I said, stopping in my tracks. as did the others.

"We haven't found La Taupe." Jean responded. "Is it possible that he's not down here?" Armin questioned. "he is here and we need him because he knows every cave" Jean replied, now getting frustrated

"so do I" I said, holding up my map, Jean walked towards me and smacked it out my hand "You think because you see something in a book you know it?!" he snapped

"This will not tell you anything! Which ones are filled with water? Which ones are too full of bones to pass? Which ones have collapsed?! If you want to follow this map go ahead. I'm going to find La Taupe because these caves are dangerous and you need to know where you're going!" he yelled, turning his back.

I stood there dumfounded for a moment but soon pulled myself together. "well I'm going" I retorted, turning on my heel. "are you nuts (y/n)? he's right" Levi said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back.

"I don't want to spend an extra minute down here than I have to but if this guy says he needs La Taupe, I'm inclined to trust him." Levi continued. "He doesn't even know that the guy is down here. Or where he is." I huffed rolling my eyes.

"Going the slow way is very much against (y/n)'s nature." Eren laughed, somewhat breaking the tension.

"If the stone is down here, it's been here for six hundred years. I think you can wait a few more hours" Levi said, staring down at me. I reluctantly agreed .

"Now, don't make me look like an asshole." Levi glared at Jean.

As we crossed through a corridor, Jean pointed at a small replica of the Bocca della Verità in Rome. (A giant disk of a carved face with an open mouth.) He nudged Armin. "According to legend, this statue will bite off your hand if you tell a lie." Jean said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let's give it a shot." Eren grinned, putting his arm inside, sending bats shooting out from the statue. "Aaah! Shit! I hate this place!" Eren cried, jumping around frantically.

Mikasa rushed to his aid while we all laughed, even Levi was smiling but we soon settled down "yeah, thanks guys" Eren mumbled looking completely embarrassed.


after walking for over six hours we came to a stop and to say I was pissed would be an understatement. "this is ridiculous, its almost 9pm and we haven't found him" I groaned

"we'll have to stay here for tonight" Jean said as if it were no big deal. "No. Fuck this. I'm out. I gotta get out of this place. I'm packing my shit up and leaving" Mikasa yelled.

"how will you find your way out?" Armin questioned, furrowing his brows. "It's that way." she said, pointing down a dark corridor. "Go ahead. We'll send a search party for you in a couple days." Levi responded emotionlessly.

"why don't you just try relax" I said, placing a hand in my hip. "yeah, rich coming from you" Mikasa said mockingly "c'mon Mikasa" Eren sighed

"I'm trapped under the ground! In a rat filled tunnel that was dug in the 1500s. Our tour guide is high as a kite and so far we've been walking in the wrong direction. What could possibly stop me from relaxing?!" Mikasa cried, we stood there quietly.

Jean wasn't the only one who was high. both me Eren, Connie and Sasha were too. well I did need something to calm me down. "Here have some" Jean said, offering it to her. this made me giggle

"Perfect solution. Let's everyone get high. I'm sure nothing bad could happen then." she laughed sarcastically. Jean turned to walk away. "Wait. Give me that." Mikasa grumbled


We all sat down, talking amongst ourselves, Connie and eren practiced tossing rocks into a bucket, Sasha and Mikasa sat together deep in conversation, Levi was sitting alone leaving me with Armin and Jean, I eventually managed to  slip away from the conversation and sat down beside Levi

"are you okay?" he asked, looking down at me, I shrugged a bit. "Just not my favorite place I guess"

"I gathered"  he replied. "you know, you never returned my calls after what happened" I sighed, playing with my hands in my lap "I know" he said a little coldly. "I'm sorry for it all" I added apologetically. "I know" he repeated in the same manner

we sat in silence for a few minutes looking into the fire in the middle while mindless chatter went on around us.

"it wasn't because you crashed my car" Levi mumbled, barley loud enough for me to hear "what's that?" I asked, tilting my head. "Why I didn't call you back. It wasn't because you crashed my car, or the money" he said a little more clearly.

"it wasn't?" I questioned. Levi looked at me more seriously "I was afraid I might be falling in love with someone so obsessed with the dead, there's no room left over to love the living." Levi said, looking at me with a frown.

I took this in for a moment, not being a person who takes well to criticism, I stood up glaring at him. "And I never thought I'd fall for the kind of guy who runs the second things get complicated." I answered, turning away to go sit with the others again.

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