= uǝʌǝs ʇɹɐd =

100 4 4

summary: they find the stone they've been searching for but it comes at a price

warnings: Injury detail, cursing, angst, death

Word count: 1138


I looked at Levi and smiled, then I noticed an ancient-Egyptian-inspired painting of a male god stretched across the floor of the chamber. "In ancient Egypt, the earth god and the sky goddess." I said pointing towards the ceiling, where a goddess, lined with stars hanged.

"they were madly in love but when they had their first child, the sun, he became so jealous of their affections that he pushed them apart from each other, leaving them only able to touch by the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet." I continued now pointing at a winged stone painted between the two gods.

"Every morning the sky gives birth to the sun and every evening she swallows him back up." Levi added walking towards the stone. I pulled out my knife and followed him. With all the riches and gold surrounding them, this one chalky red stone looked like it would hardly be worth noting.

"That's it? It looks so ordinary" Armin said, joining us. I grinned at him "What better place to hide the most valuable stone ever known to man, beside riches you could never miss." I replied, my heart felt like it was beating out my chest.

Jean, Connie, Sasha and Eren were still bagging up all the treasure they could find while I used my knife to edge the stone out of its place, and carefully placed it in a cloth satchel that I had brought specifically for this.

"You wouldn't believe the trouble we went through to find you." I smiled, talking to the stone, then tucked it into my waterproof pocket. "okay lets get out of here" I said, feeling complete

We turned around to see Connie and Jean pulling at a gate that heled more treasures inside. my eyes widened "no! wait! it's a trap! it's a-" I gasped as they managed to pull it free, the ceiling cracked and chunks began to fall down

I grabbed Sasha who was the closest and pulled her out of the way, we all struggled to scramble away as the sand and debris fell down on us, making it almost impossible


there was a huge echoing crash as the ceiling dropped. we barely managed to escape being crushed under it's weight.

Brown dust completely enveloped us, blocking out all the light in the room. there was nothing but darkness. It's was suddenly very quiet, there was some coughing and struggling but someone was also crying, in pain.

My voice was first to pierce the darkness. "is everyone okay?" I rasped. "yeah I think I'm okay" Levi answered, I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I reached out, searching for his hand, he grabbed mine.

"I'm okay" Armin said while wheezing, "me too" Sasha called. "Jean? Connie?" Sasha continued, nothing. "Jean! Connie!" she was now getting frantic. "where is Eren and Mikasa?" Armin said. "I'm here" Eren coughed.

the dust was beginning to settle, making it easier to see, the sounds of someone whimpering started again. Mikasa managed to break free from the rubble, Eren rushed towards her, pulled away the stones and helped her out.

"Are you okay?! " Eren cried, she was all banged up, bruised and had a nasty cut on her arm. "I-I'm okay" Mikasa stammered weakly. "Connie, jean.. if you're goofing around.." Sasha said barley above a whisper

"Jean and Connie aren't here" I answered slowly, Levi gave my hand a squeeze and I looked up at him, my bottom lip quivering. Sasha began to sob. "I don't care, they almost killed us!" Mikasa yelled angrily.

"They didn't know!" Sasha yelled in defense, Mikasa jumped up and punched her straight in the face. "Stop! We shouldn't disrupt this place any more than we already have!" I snapped at them both, scowling. Sasha stood up glaring at Mikasa as she wiped blood away from her busted lip.

"A-a-are, Jean and Connie dead..?" Armin stuttered, still in shock.

"we're all dead, that's the only way out!" Eren scoffed. he was right, we were stuck in here with no exit. "where's the first aid kit, we need to clean her cut" Eren said, calming down as he stood beside Mikasa, holding her arm.

"the packs are buried" I sighed walking towards them. "so there's no water or food!" Sasha cried, almost chocking on her own saliva. we looked at each other and remained silent. "spare batteries?" Armin asked.

no one answered again. "lets start conserving" Levi said, turning his flashlight off, so did Armin and Sasha, dropping the light of the room down considerably. Levi and Armin began to search for a way out.

In that time I took out the stone and walked towards Mikasa. "Hold your arm out" I ordered, she done as I asked, by now everyone had stopped, watching us

I used the knife to scrape dust from the stone onto her arm, causing her to grimace, I then placed my hand over her wound causing her to scream in pain but her screams reduced to whimpers then stopped altogether.

I pulled my hand away leaving both me and Mikasa astonished, as was everyone else. The cut was completely gone "Wha- how" Eren stammered, "it can fuel a lamp for eternity, are you seriously surprised?" Sasha said, I ignored them and turned my attention back to the situation we were in

"Maybe we could dig our way out?" Armin asked, looking at Levi. "With what? your hands?" he responded, crossing his arms over his chest. "This chamber was created by master builders. If they wanted to trap the unworthy, we're  trapped." I mumbled.

"So what, we just sit here and wait for the air to run out" Levi replied frowning at me. I looked away and sighed "We're all just cool hanging out waiting to die?!" Eren yelled.

we all looked around the room. trying to wrap our heads around the situation. Terrified. This was my fault they were trapped because I brought them here, Jean and Connie were dead. because I brought them here.

I began to tear up as I leaned my back against the wall, sliding down to sit and brought my knees up to my chest. "I'm so sorry everyone" I whimpered, leaning my head against the wall with my eyes closed.

I felt someone sit down beside me but I didn't bother to look at who it was. "(y/n) those lamps are Freemason by design" He said pointing. "so..?" I asked, tilting my head. "Freemasons never built something like this without a back door, just in case it collapsed on them." he answered, giving me a small smile.

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