= ʇɥɓıǝ ʇɹɐd =

87 5 1

Summary: they discover a way out but is it even worth going through?

Warnings: Angst and cursing

Word count: 757


A smile came over my face and I jumped up onto my feet inspecting our surroundings. I picked up a rock and tapped on the walls, listening for something that sounded hollow but there was nothing.

The floor and the ceiling seemed to be painted and inscribed the same exact way, almost as if there was a mirror running the length of the floor.

"As above, so below the phrase is the key to all magic." I mumbled. "what does that mean?" Sasha asked, following me.

"It means, basically, what is within me is outside of me. What is on earth is in heaven. As I am, so are my cells, so are my atoms. Basically, what I believe the world to be, so it is." Levi answered.

I the spotted something. "Look!" I said pointing to a rectangle inscribed on the ceiling that was covered in alchemical symbols. "what is it?" Mikasa questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"The Porta Alchemica. The door to the mystical." I told her "so it's a door?!" Eren yelled with excitement as he grabbed a rock and prepared to chisel it.

"No! Look. That symbol of the door on the ceiling is the only thing not replicated on the floor." I said as I shined the light from the rectangle on the ceiling down to the floor directly beneath it.

"as above so below.. if they painted a door on the ceiling then there would be a hole on the floor too" Levi replied with sudden realization.

"There is nothing b-below us. This is the bottom of the Catacombs." Sasha stuttered furrowing her brows. I took the rock from Eren and kneeled down into the water in the gutter at the bottom of the chamber and I hit it with the rock again. And again.


I looked around at the others as the water drained out of the bottom. "That water must be going somewhere." Levi said, looking at Sasha.

I doubled my efforts, hitting the shit out of the rock until. CRACK

The floor of the gutter beneath me gave way, Levi quickly picked me up and pulled me away just in time as the stones beneath my feet fell and disappear off into nothingness. "thanks" I said with a shaky breath, Looking up at him.

"That isn't the catacombs. Look at the edges. This wasn't made by man. Who knows where this could lead!" Sasha cried, backing away. "Whatever it is, it's a possible way out." I replied, grabbing the rope and lowering it down

"oh yeah, going deeper will get us out of here" Mikasa said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and began to lower myself down deeper and deeper as everyone watched.

I eventually reached the bottom and turned my flashlight on, looking at what was in front of me. "there's a passage down here!" I yelled, looking up at everyone.

I soon spotted very small opening with a large stone arch over it. It looked ancient. Very, very ancient. the others filed down behind me.

Something about this place made me feel uneasy. everyone had now reached the bottom and spotted the small tunnel as well. I kneeled down and looked at the ancient inscriptions on the arch.

"Can you read that? What does it say?" I asked as Levi kneeled down beside me. Levi dusted it off to get a better look and read it quietly to himself, thinking through the meaning.

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

My heart dropped. "oh..." Armin said, understanding what it meant. "what" Eren asked as if it were a joke he wasn't in on. "According to mythology, that's the inscription over the gates of hell." I whispered, looking at Levi fearfully.

"I'm not going in there" Eren said, shaking his head vigorously. "then stay here" Levi scoffed. Eren was deeply unnerved by the idea of crossing this threshold, but there truly was no other choice.

The entrance was so small and so low to the ground that we would have to slide through it one at a time. I made my way inside first but stopped to look back at Levi

"And they shall be made to crawl on their bellies into the kingdom of darkness." I said visibly shaking 

"Yeah. That occurred to me too." Levi said quietly


okay this is just a short one before shit gets tense  >:)

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