Chapter 10

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Marinette spotted the ski camp from the top of the pine tree.

"We aren't that far. I guess I got confused on my way. Let's go Minou."

She started swinging from tree to tree using her yo-yo while Adrien, clearly on an adrenaline rush, was having the time of his life.

"You know, Marinette, I feel like I am MJ while you are Spiderman."

"Yeah, and my Spidey sense tells me that we are here."

Ladybug dropped Adrien while landing safely close to a tree, about a hundred metres away from her classmates. She de-transformed behind the conifer, and walked towards her friends while holding Adrien's arm.

"Are you okay girl? What took you so long? Were you lost?"

"Oh, yeah, I got lost in the woods. But I managed to take the photos you needed Als. Adrien here found me."

"Ooh, he was really worried for you. He kept me asking about your whereabout but when I said you went there to photograph, he dashed off to find you. Your knight in shining armour, isn't he?" Alya had a suggestive smirk on her face.

Marinette just pulled Adrien closer to herself and replied, while looking into his eyes, "Of course he is my knight in shining armour."

"Well maybe knight in black leather sounds better," Marinette whispered in Adrien's ear.

"And you are my princess clad in red with black polka dots." Adrien whispered back and pinched her cheek while she slapped his hand away. Adrien laughed and kissed her forehead. Their flirtatious behaviour didn't go unnoticed by Alya.

"What the hell happened with you two?"

"Oh nothing,"Marinette hurriedly replied. Alya shrugged and left the two behind.

Adrien felt confused but dejected as well. She did not want to start a relationship with him and did not want others to know about them? He would have shouted to the whole world that his lady actually loved him back and that they were together. But Marinette said she loved him too. So was it all just a ploy to make fun of him for his love? What was he thinking? Marinette could never do such a thing, she is a kind hearted girl. Then why is she acting so weird suddenly? 

"You don't want to date me?" Adrien whispered in her ear.

Marinette wanted to say yes but there was only one thing stopping her.

"Umm, Adrien, I needed to tell you something. Can we talk somewhere private later?"

Adrien was genuinely scared. He thought that after sharing their feelings and Marinette admitting she loves him, they could be in a relationship. He thought they would be happy together now but why does his lady seem, frightened?

"Of course, Marinette."


"What, you say that I had said that our love caused me to destroy the whole world?"

"Yes kitty, you said that. You knew my identity and said that we were in love. But I broke your heart which caused the end of the world. You wanted my miraculous to fix everything and we could go back to being a loving couple again."

Finally, Marinette managed to tell Adrien about the whole Cat Blanc episode, which caused the poor boy to feel depressed.

"I almost ruined the whole world? I did that? I... I don't deserve to be a hero. I killed everyone instead of saving them. I surrendered myself to my negative thoughts and couldn't resist being akumatized. I am a dis- "

"Don't you dare say that ever again. I have always told you that you are the best partner I could have asked for. You are brave and loyal; you are a true hero. If it was anyone's fault, it is Shadowmoth's, and maybe mine. You are a human being after all and you are entitled to your feelings, however negative they are. But he doesn't get the right to manipulate you when you are at your weakest. As for me, I caused you heartache. I broke your heart and made you feel miserable. I am the on-"

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you. I love you with my soul, my heart, my entire being. You are the one I think about when I am sad or happy, dejected or excited because imagining you by my side gives me the strength to face any situation or enjoy any moment. Yours is the first face I dream of when I get up and the last face I envision before falling asleep. I would rather kill myself than upset you and make you feel miserable."

Adrien squeezed Marinette in his embrace, patted her back reassuringly and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, every moment I spend with you is a beautiful dream come true. Loving you is the best thing that has happened to me and being loved by you is, it is a wish come true."

Marinette was in tears now. Each teardrop falling down her cheek was creating a gash in Adrien's heart. Kissing her tears away, Adrien comforted her by whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

"Don't cry M'lady. Everything will be alright. We will find a way to solve this like always."

When Marinette had somewhat stopped crying, Adrien finally asked a question.

"What could have been so terrible that I got akumatized? There is no way a measly argument between us could cause me to get so depressed. The only thing that could lead me to getting despondent is if you break up with me and say that you don't love me anymore."

Marinette gasped but Adrien continued.

"Why would you say that when you love me too much to hurt me? The only thing I can think of is someone trying to sabotage our relationship and that someone most likely being Shadowmoth or my father."

"Huh! Wait, what you say makes sense. That means, we can date and be in a relationship but.."

"It must be a secret. Bunnyx took you away to fix everything in that timeline. If we are about to make a wrong choice which can lead to something disastrous in the future, she should be here by now."

Marinette nodded in agreement with his thought. A new hope sprouted in her, she could date the man of her dreams.

"So, what do you say bugaboo, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, kitty cat. We can date privately and be happy together."

Everything will be fine. When both of them were together in this, they would succeed to make it work out.


 "I really thought you had confessed to him when you two were alone. I thought my ship was finally going to sail."

Seeing the gloomy countenance of her best friend Alya continued, "Don't worry girl, you can do it the next time."

Marinette nodded. Happy Mari was back.

"Let us pack our stuff. The vacation came to an end too soon but I am not complaining. As they say, home sweet home. I miss my family."


It had been a few torturous hours for both Adrien and Marinette as they sat away from each other, without each other's company, just to put on a show that they were still just friends and nothing more. They had to do this for the sake of their love.  Their friends weren't suspicious of anything changing between the two lovebirds.

Before Adrien left with his bodyguard, he signalled to Marinette that he would text her as soon as he reached home. Marinette nodded in affirmation. She couldn't wait to get back home.


"Meet at the Eiffel tower at 10pm? I have a surprise for you."

Marinette felt ecstatic.

"Sure kitty. Missing you."

"Missing you too bugaboo."

This cat, what would she do with him? He was now her cat. He is just too cute. She loves him very much and no Shadowmoth or Gabriel Agreste could ever change that.


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