Chapter 2

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Marinette reached her room and flopped down on her bed, not before groaning in pain. "Tikki spots off."

Tikki flew towards Marinette and patted her hair.

"Marinette, shall I bring you some painkillers?"

"Oh yes please Tikki. It hurts so much."

Tikki flew down to the drawer containing the medicines.

"Here take this with this glass of water."

Marinette took the medicine along with the water.

"I thought the Miraculous Ladybug recovered all damages caused by the akuma. Then why didn't it heal my wound?"

"Even I am confused Marinette. I have never witnessed such a thing in my entire existence."

Marinette laid on her bed, wrapped in her blanket and staring at nothing in particular. She tried to fall asleep but without any success. She felt bored, all her school work was done and she had already finished sewing the last batch of costumes for the Kitty Section band.

"Tikki, can you bring me the diary?"


Opening the cap of a pen, she started writing about her day in her pink diary.

" Dear Diary

It has been an eventful day today. Well, it started as a usual winter morning with birds chirruping and a blanket of mist covering the entire city. I woke up late again and somehow managing to get dressed and gobble down my breakfast, I sprinted to school. I got scolded again for my tardiness, nothing new.

School went normally with us jotting down our notes and performing experiments in the laboratory. Guess what? Adrien was my lab partner today. Oh boy, he is cute, caring, smart, adorable, sophisticated, the list goes on. We were meant to do it together but it was him who mainly did the work while I was busy gawking at him. The way he mixed the chemicals, oh boy, his movements were so graceful. At least I can talk to him properly now without a stutter.

Fast forward to evening, I was on a stroll to the park when I saw the akuma, shooting arrows at random directions. Without wasting another second, I transformed into Ladybug and went to fight it. Chat Noir arrived at the scene a few minutes later. Long story short, we managed to defeat him but not before an arrow injured me. Now normally when an akuma causes damages, the Miraculous Ladybug causes everything to go back to the way it was. However it did nothing to heal my injury. The wounds still persist. Tikki too had no answer to the question.

It's chilly outside and it is quite uncomfortable especially with my bandaged stomach. Thanks to Chat Noir, if my kitty wasn't there, I don't know how I would have managed. He brought all the necessary aid for me and I am really thankful for him.

It's 10 pm and I think I should go to sleep now.

Goodnight dear diary."

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