"So, uhm, I know we've been through a lot these past few days. After everything with Bokuto and Iwa being in the hospital, you'd think we'd catch a break, but Nakashi has requested to meet with us at the warehouse. I'm not sure why, but apparently it's pretty important," Kuroo explained.

Iwaizumi stared at his hand, the bones still aching from last time he'd met with Nakashi. The fear gnawed at him from the pit of his stomach. Anything could happen. He looked at Tooru, dread written all over his face.

Akaashi was the first to speak. "He got his drug. What more could he want from us?" he asked, his eyes downcast.

"I guess we'll see when we get there," Tetsuro answered.

Kenma stared off into space, seemingly lost in thought. "I'm sorry to ask this, but what happened to you back at the cabin? It had been two days since we left you there. What did they do to you guys?" he asked, directing his attention to Tooru and Hajime.

Iwaizumi remembered the pain, and that was about it. "They ripped my nails off, then they threw me in a dark room. Like I said before, that's all that happened."

"They tortured you. Why?" Kenma asked.

With Kenma's question, Iwaizumi realized what he'd done. He had told them about Nakashi's location to save Tooru that day. He had given them up. His heart rate skyrocketed, and he felt like he could be sick. Nakashi must have found out. There was no other explanation as to why he had requested a meeting. There was no way he would live through tonight. No way at all.

Hajime opened his mouth to say something, his hands shaking with fear. His breaths were stuck in his throat, his chest beginning to heave.

"I don't know why. Everything from those two days seems like a painful blur to me," Tooru answered instead, looking over at Iwaizumi with a concerned look on his face.

Hajime shut his mouth, his confession left unsaid.

Kenma shrugged. "I thought that might give us a clue as to why he's asking for us so soon. He seemed urgent on the phone with Tetsuro, and I'm starting to get a little worried."

Kuroo sighed. "Either way, we'll find out tonight. I have to go to work now, so prepare yourselves mentally. This could go very wrong, and I'm going to need you guys to keep it together. Our lives are riding on it," he said before walking to the door.

Kenma got up from his place on the couch and followed him out, shutting the other three out of whatever conversation they would be having.

Iwaizumi watched as Akaashi walked back to his bedroom without another word, his eyes sunken and his shoulders slumped. The two of them hadn't spoken to each other since the night of the raid, and Hajime figured they never truly would. He didn't know what to say to Akaashi besides apologize, and he knew that wouldn't be enough. He had a hatred for Hajime that would never go away, and the hole Bokuto's death left in him would forever remain unhealed.

"Iwa, are you alright? You seem terrified," Oikawa asked as the two of them walked back to their room.

Hajime nodded. "I'm fine. I'm just on edge," he lied, debating whether to tell Tooru the truth. He remembered it with clarity now. How he had told the man where Nakashi was, and how they had locked him alone in that dark room afterwards. What if Kenma was right? What if Nakashi had found out?

"Are you sure? You're shaking," Tooru said once they got back to the room, pulling him into an embrace.

Hajime felt like crying, but he kept his tears at bay. "I'm fine. Really," he lied again, giving Tooru a deep kiss. He wondered if this was in fact the last day he'd spend with Oikawa until he died, or if he was dreading it all for nothing.

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