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Songs: Broken - Lund and Butterfly's Repose - Zabawa

Iwaizumi and Oikawa met at the same place every morning to go to school as they had for the past decade it seemed. It was a fountain across the street from Oikawa's house with a neatly sculpted woman in the middle with flowers blooming all around her.

Iwa rushed to the fountain, his hair sticking up messily and his shirt untucked. He was supposed to meet Tooru five minutes ago, but he had overslept his alarm, probably because he had been up all night tossing and turning. He found himself worrying a lot more these days.

"About time you showed up!" Tooru yelled from the fountain. He gave Iwa a big smile and waved dramatically.

"Sorry...I overslept," Iwa explained, trying to catch his breath.

Oikawa laughed, patting down Iwa's unruly hair. "You look like shit. What the hell happened to you?" he said, straightening Hajime's tie.

Tooru was so close. Iwa could smell the mint toothpaste on his breath as well as his subtle cologne. He wanted to kiss him right then. What would Tooru do? Would he kiss him back or push him away? Iwa's heart raced just thinking about it.

"Hey? What's up with you today?" Oikawa asked jokingly, patting Iwa on the shoulder.

"Huh?" he said, his trance breaking with Tooru's questions.

He giggled, slinging his bag across his shoulder as they started to walk. "You're acting strange, Iwa. Is something up?"

Hajime shook his head. "Just a bad night's sleep. That's all."

"No...it's something else."

Iwa sighed. "Stop it, Tooru. I said it's nothing."

Oikawa shrugged and cocked an eyebrow. "I know you too well, Iwa. Whatever you're hiding, you can't hide it from me for very long," he said, holding the door open for Iwa as they got in line for their morning coffee.

Iwaizumi only rolled his eyes, attempting to hide his building panic. Tooru could never find out. Ever.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Kuroo yelled from behind the counter.

"Pay attention to what you're doing, dammit! This is why you burn yourself every other day!" the old woman scolded, hitting Kuroo with a rolled up newspaper.

Kuroo scoffed, batting her away. "I'm sorry! Jeez."

"Get back to work!" she yelled before disappearing into the back again.

Oikawa and Iwa hid their faces, trying their best not to burst out laughing. "She really told you, Kuroo," Tooru said, giggles breaking up his words.

"Shut up, Oikawa! She is very...scary sometimes," Kuroo said, his shoulders dropping.

"That newspaper roll was quite the weapon wasn't it, Iwa?" Tooru teased, handing Kuroo money for both of their coffees.

Iwa sighed. "Tooru, I told you that I hate when you pay for my stuff."

Oikawa shrugged, handing Iwaizumi his newly made coffee. "And I told you that I prefer to pay for your stuff."

Iwa opened his mouth to protest, but Kuroo said, "Are you guys coming back tonight to study?"

"Actually, no. We're going to this art museum thing that Iwa wanted to go to," Tooru explained.

Kuroo raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? You're pretty good at art, right Iwa?"

"Well...not particularly-"

Oikawa held out his hand. "Stop being modest," he said before turning his attention back to Kuroo. "He is. Wouldn't be surprised if his work made it in the Louvre one of these days."

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