Oikawa collapsed in disappointment on the bed, rolling his eyes. "Classic Kuroo. He really has the worst timing."

Iwaizumi opened the door, revealing a rather disheveled Kuroo. "Hey, guys. I need you to come to the living room, please," he said.

Iwaizumi looked to Oikawa, knowing exactly what this meant. They never met in the living room unless it had something to do with Nakashi.

"Did he finally contact you after all this time?" Tooru asked, crawling out of bed to follow Kuroo to the couch. The others were already there, a sense of dread weighing heavily on all of them.

Kuroo looked over at Iwaizumi and Oikawa, stalling at the end of the hallway. "I know you two have been through a lot, and I'm sorry to ask more of you. This is going to get ugly, and I don't want either of you to get hurt..." he said, trailing off.

"Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?" Oikawa asked.

Iwaizumi felt a familiar feeling rise up in him. It was more than just fear. It was like a hand wrapping around his throat, slowly squeezing until his face turned purple.

Tetsuro locked eyes with Hajime. "It's not a goodbye but a warning. Your lives rest in my hands, and I want you to know that I don't take that lightly."

"I know you don't. We feel the same way about you. Right, Iwa?" Tooru said.

Hajime nodded, his fear paralyzing him. "Of course. Same goes for the others."

"Hey! You guys get in here. We're getting anxious," Bokuto yelled from the couch.

Kuroo gave them a curt nod before walking into the living room.

"Tetsuro, you seem upset," Kenma said. "What's happened?"

Kuroo sighed as Iwa and Oikawa took their seats on the couch. "Nakashi has located the drug. It's in a cabin on the edge of the river."

Akaashi laughed with what seemed like anger. "And he wants us to go fetch?"

"In short, yes," Kuroo said.

"Do we have any other information?" Kenma asked.

Tetsuro raised his eyebrows. "We know the exact location of the cabin, but nothing else. I have no idea what kind of people are there or how dangerous this really is."

Bokuto looked up. "How soon?"

At that, Kuroo scoffed. "We have until the end of the week to get the drugs back."

"But today's Wednesday!" Akaashi protested, his eyes wide with panic.

Kuroo nodded. "I know. So we better get started on our plan before we run out of time."

At that, the six of them devised a plan, making it as strategic as possible. They would go after the drug on Thursday night, giving them extra time after the original attempt to reevaluate and go after the drug again if they needed to. They decided to infiltrate the cabin all at once, gunning down anyone in their way. Even Kenma was going in. It was a desperate attempt. One with a high possibility of failure, but there was nothing else to do but fight.

No one ever acknowledged it, but they were always aware of the possibility of death. Of how likely it was that at least one of them would die on this suicide mission. Hajime looked around the room at everyone, the obvious worry hidden underneath their masks of indifference. He tried to picture himself dying, his body lifeless on the ground, but that didn't scare him near as much as picturing Tooru's. Although he cared for the other guys, he would save Oikawa first, and he hated himself for it sometimes, but that fact couldn't be helped.

apocalypseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz