At that, Iwaizumi waved goodbye and headed to school, still frustrated that he couldn't remember how Oikawa's eyes looked when he was smiling.

. . .

Without Tooru, Iwa found it increasingly hard to focus on his studies. Instead of paying attention, he stared at his best friend's empty seat, worrying about whether he was okay or not.

Hajime was still staring at Oikawa's vacant desk before and after the morning bell rang, not taking a single note.

About halfway through class, the door opened, startling everyone. Iwaizumi looked up and had to blink several times to make sure he was actually seeing what he was seeing.

It was Tooru. His hood over his head and a dark purple bruise around his left eye. He looked sick and tired, his hands shaking slightly.

Iwaizumi fought the urge to run to him and stayed seated, his leg bouncing with anticipation.

The class fell quiet as Oikawa walked to his seat in the back of the room beside Hajime, their eyes following him like spotlights. He slumped into his seat, resting his hand on his face to cover the bruise.

The class reluctantly resumed, the language lesson dragging on like usual, but Iwa was shaking. With excitement. With worry. With anger. He couldn't tell.

"Tooru?" he whispered, desperate to look him in the face. But Oikawa stayed facing forward, not even acknowledging Iwaizumi's presence.

"Tooru, please," Hajime whispered again, placing his hand on Oikawa's desk.

"Quiet in the back," the teacher said strictly, giving Iwa a look. Hajime shrunk into himself, a feeling of sadness washing over him.

He waited ten minutes. Fifteen. Thirty. Until finally, the lunch bell rang.

Tooru got up immediately and rushed out the door, leaving Iwa to push through the crowded halls.

"Sorry," he said under his breath, accidentally shoving a girl into her locker.

He saw Oikawa turn sharply down the hallway towards the exit door, and he ran to catch up, desperate to see him. To hear his voice.

"Tooru! Where are you going?" Iwaizumi asked, reaching out to grab Oikawa's wrist.

He turned around and stared at Hajime's hand on him. He looked up, terror behind his eyes. "Why are you following me?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I follow you, huh? I haven't seen you in what's felt like forever," Iwa said, trying to keep his tears from falling.

"We can't talk here. Come on," Oikawa said, leading Iwaizumi into the empty art room at the end of the hallway.

Once inside, Tooru locked the door and turned to face his best friend. "I'm sorry, Hajime. I know you needed me."

Iwa's face fell. Tooru never called him by his first name like that. Why was he doing it now? "Where were you?"

"I've been avoiding you. I'll admit that, but it was all to protect you. I promise," he assured, grabbing Iwaizumi's shoulders.

"Protect me from what? I worried about you all this time. You could've at least told me you were okay," Hajime said, giving into his tears.

Oikawa looked away, his own tears slipping onto the tiled floor. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you."

"Then why did you even come here?"

Tooru sighed, shaking his head. "I came to see you and to say goodbye. I realize now that this has been a mistake."

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